I have just successfully dismantled one of the new design swimsuit klickys for the first time, so I thought I would show how I did it, and what they look like inside. First, here is a pic of the original, with hair removed, since I will be taking pliers to her head!

I wrapped her head in a towel in an attempt to avoid scratching it, and, holding her body in one hand, pulled her head off with the pliers. I found I had to pull
slightly towards the back, rather than straight up, to get it to come off.

And here is the result. Unfortunately, I did scratch her face some, so I recommend extreme caution with the pliers.

And here is another picture of the internal structure.

You'll notice that the head and arm designs are exactly the same as normal klickys, so they can be easily changed out. I put a new face on mine, but I forgot to take an after pic.

Anyway, hope this was helpful!