Edit 24 April 2020. For unwatermarked pictures, please visit
this webpageFrom 1977 to 1993, Playmobil released 17 sets containing small, simple cars of a dozen different types. All had the same basic design and varied mainly in the colour of the body and roof, with stickers or printing and additional parts which distinguished them as police cars, ambulance cars, fire chief cars, roadside assistance vehicles, rally cars or just everyday saloons.
In the picture below are the 12 different Autos, plus (in the centre) two additional versions of the green police car.

Over a similar period, 36 sets released by licensees in other countries (Antex (Argentina) 3, Trol (Brazil) 7, Lyra (Greece) 2, Aurimat (Mexico) 2, Famobil (Spain) 8, Marx (UK) 6, Schaper (USA) 8) contained similar cars, sometimes in completely different colours, but often identical to German releases. I have concentrated here on the German releases (including export exclusives), hence the topic title.
Autos: The basic components.
• Two pairs of wheels on metal axles. Earlier sets have grey wheels, later ones have black and white (black and yellow in one case).

• A body in blue, green, white, yellow, red, orange or grey. Three versions exist.
Type 1 has a small hole (a on the pictures below) at the rear on the right representing a petrol filler-hole. Type 2 has a socket for a rear aerial (b), a rectangular hole where a parcel shelf fits (c), two extra supports under the bonnet (hood) (d), two notches at the front to fit a front spoiler (e) and two holes for the rear end of tubular roll-bars (f). Type 3 is similar to type 2 (and has the same mold number, 3133802) but with an extra foot-support for the front right hand seat (g).

• A black chassis (one is dark blue). This forms the front radiator, headlamps and rear lights. There is a simple tow-bar at the rear and clips (rear) or short posts (front) onto which the bumpers (fenders) clip. Three versions exist. Type 1 has a single socket (h) for a fire extinguisher behind the front seats. Type 2 has extra 2 sockets for roll-bars (i).

Type 3 (mold number 3133902) has foot-grips for both front seats (j) as well as the 2 extra roll-bar sockets..

All three types have the date 1976 on the panel underneath. Types 1 and 2 have the word ‘system’ as well:

• A roof in black or white (and one in dark blue). The white roofs have a matt surface, the black and dark blue ones are shiny. All except the dark blue one have a clip to hold a roof-rack or sign. Mold number for black roof 3134002.

• A windscreen (unglazed) in black (one in white)- on the left of the picture below. Mold number on some later ones 3134501.
• A roll bar in black (missing in a couple of later sets which have tubular roll-bars). Mold number on later ones 3134602. Below right.
• Front (left) and rear (right) bumpers (fenders) in black. Three of the later vehicles have neither, but instead a front spoiler (mold number 3174020) with two fog-lamps.

• A short black aerial on the left hand side of the bonnet (hood). These are often broken or missing. I made a few from old-style walkie-talkie aerials and black tape.
• A long rear aerial (later versions only)

• A black steering wheel and grey (black in one car) holder.

• A roof sign (4) in black, white, red or green, or a lamp holder in white (2) or a roof rack in black (3) or white (1), or a ski rack in grey (1). The police, fire and ambulance vehicles have a roof sign with a pair of grey siren horns and a blue light. The lamp holders hold a yellow lamp

• Stickers for the roof sign, number plates, bodywork. This example is from 3215 version 4 or 5;

Number plates
I have included the plate numbers (number plate, vehicle registration plate, index plate) shown in box art pictures. It is possible other plate stickers were supplied in some sets. For example, I found the following numbers online, but not on box pictures: N-JA 133, S-B 6348, B-TO 739, A-KL 518.
The first letter is a city code: A-Augsberg, B-Berlin, DO-Dortmund, H-Hannover, M-München, N-Nürnberg, S-Stuttgart
All the pictures are based on Playmobil box art and promotional pictures, reinforced for all but 5 sets (3158x, 3702, 3149, 3961 and 3753) by set contents displayed at the Datenbank-Setinhalt on klickywelt.de (site membership required for access).