Author Topic: Playmo3D Project - a computer based virtual building tool for Playmobil parts  (Read 29985 times)

Offline morubil

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Hallo, I was so in to building in sketchup that I mist the update.
But now the link is not working. Is there a new link or what is wrong?
I have a pssw but there is now file on the site

Offline savvas

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i am interested too, so please fix the link! :wave:

Offline Sir Pleamo

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Hallo, I was so in to building in sketchup that I mist the update.
But now the link is not working. Is there a new link or what is wrong?
I have a pssw but there is now file on the site

Ups! Sorry about that, yes, the link is aktiv unless none download anything for ten days... so yes, you are a little bit late I guess... but anyway, I will put the files for download on the server again and post the new link as soon as possible...

...but as you might imagine... there is a brand new update right before the door... so here are some sneak previews... you want to plan your whole train theme in SketchUp? So yes, now all train-lovers are welcome to playmo3D too! (beside some more different new parts too, of course!)

Offline savvas

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Sir Palermo i noticed that the rails are for the RC trains. any chance for the lgb rails, for us that have an electrical train?

Offline tahra

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Wow, trains too?


Offline Skywalker

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i am speechless. thank you for this great project - again. i have to take a closer look when i have more time for this. fantastic !

Offline Sir Pleamo

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First of all I have to say sorry for not reacting to a lot of PMs and not being online here for a while! I really hope to answer all of you soon, but all in all this year has not started as well as I hoped… for short, my son has had a surgery at the beginning of the year, my work has overpowered me, and some other private stuff has brought me far from Playmobil… maybe it is because of the 13 in this year… anyway, the show must go on!
And the show goes on!

++++ Playmo3D +++ Update Version ++++ Playmo3D +++
The download of the Library is now available again, but more than that, it comes with a new update-version (3.0.2)!
That means, beside nearly 80 fixed parts there are 188 totally new parts included (so there is a total number of parts round about 1300).
The way how to get it is (sorry for that) the same as all the times, PM me and you will get the link and password!

Some more words:
We were going to release a new module of the whole project, too, namely a “Sets and Groups” –module, but we have not finished it yet. Especially the documentation how to use these new features in detail is not finished. We therefore decided  not to release this module now, but you can download, let’s say a sneak-preview already (pics below). We hope to bring this module finished to you around Easter. This module is not part of the Library itself, but will be a selection of existing PM-sets rebuild with the Library-parts. In this context there will be some “Groups” of parts to use in your projects as well. This means, there will be components assembled from different parts, e.g. a wall with window frame and casement. This comes very close to what Tierman mentioned already in some posts above in this thread.

Offline Sir Pleamo

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As I have mentioned already, there is no ongoing manual finished yet (this version comes with the Short manual already published with 3.0 ), nevertheless there are at least two things to say in short. Let us call it some FAQ:

How to update my Playmo3D-Library?
All releases are FULL versions, so all parts, the new ones, the fixed ones, and the old ones, are included. So the best and easiest way to update your library is simply deleting the whole folder of the old version on your computer. Then replace it with the latest version. That’s all!
But keep in mind, if you have used these folders for saving own projects, too (as it is NOT recommended), please save your works first.

The update-versions come with some fixed parts. What should I do if I have build an own model that contains parts which now are available in a newer version? Do I have to rebuild my whole projects to get sure that the newest parts are used?
No, there is no need to restart at the beginning. But the question remains, how can I update the parts in my own project, if there are fixed parts available?
There is a really simple and comfortable way in SketchUp to do so. Just follow the steps described below:
1) Update your Playmo3D-Library as described above (or in the manual).
2) Open your model-/ project-file that you want to update.
3) Open your “Component Browser”, if not opened already (If you are unsure about this step, read the Playmo3D-manual).
4) Click the “House Symbol” (see pic below)in the Component browser to show the parts used in the model (alternatively click on the little arrow right to that symbol. This will open a list where you click “In model”).
5) The Component Browser now shows you all the parts that are used in your project. Now simply right-click the part you want to update and choose “Reload” in the menu that appears.
6) SketchUp now will ask you for the folder where to look for that part, so you have to switch to the folder of your new Playmo3D-Library (and the subfolder, e.g. BS-Misc).
7) All parts of this kind used in that model will now be replaced by the new version. So repeat these steps for all parts you want to update and save your model-file. Now it will be updated to the newest versions.

HINT: In the same way you can exchange parts in your model, e.g. if you want to change a red window frame to a blue one. Just reload the red window frame and choose a different one. All these parts will be replaced by the blue frame (in this example).

Offline Sir Pleamo

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Playmo3D Library version 4.0 is now available!

Nearly every day I got some requests where to download the Playmo3D Library or when will it be available… and nearly daily I have put someone off and promised to release the new version soon… but soon was a very kindly expressed, I guess! Sorry for all the waiting.

Yes, it took its time, but at least here we come! The very new Playmo3D-Library 4.0 is now available!

Beside the hundreds and hundreds of new parts which are now included (now a total of 1775 parts are in the Library!), the delay was mainly depended on a major change in the SketchUp software line.
SketchUp itself was revised totally and so I was forced to do it equal with the Playmo3D-Library. But this was not only hard work but in the end all parts are now in a totally new quality. Knowing, that this will not be noticed by you in a first view, this leads to another “crucial point” within this project: The documentation.
Since a while I have planned to expand the manual to make it much easier for you (especially new and inexperienced users) to get familiar with this construction in 3D and to let fun be the main feeling while using this library for your projects. But this is such a time intensive task, that I have decided to stay with the (little expanded) manual which comes with the Playmo3D-Library and to encourage you to give me much more feedback and questions so that I will be able to build up a whole “tutorial blog”. Such a blog will be much faster for answers and can be expanded quickly and easily. With your help we will get you very deep in the nearly endless possibilities when using this Library for your own works. I am really looking forward to introduce you some feature, which will amaze you and leave you with your mouth opened.
Okay, we are on again! So it try out!

For further information please contact me via personal message!

The Library comes with 1775 parts (!) and there are a lot of new Features, which I like to explain to you in a tutorial blog too. But for the first time whole original PM sets can be downloaded as SU-Files and integrated in your projects, so look at the pictures here, they will give you a short impression of some sets that are included already. At the Moment there are about 20 sets finished. These files will give you the possability to create scenes very quick just by integrate These buildings in your work. A whole bundle of parts already grouped will make own projects even easier and faster, too... there is a lot to find out... believe  me!

Offline Sir Pleamo

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+++UPDATE+++ Playmo3D Library Version 4.1 is available! +++UPDATE+++

Encouraged by your great interest and the lots of positive feedback I recieaved, I am very happy to let you know, that the Playmo3D-roject is going on and on!
The new and so latest Playmobil 3D-Library in version 4.1 is now available!

Some bug-fixing aside, the Library has been enlarged again by over 100 new parts! What a great news for all builders!

For any questions, cricts or the download links, just contact me!

With Playmobil 3D-Library 4.1 there are also some new Sets ready for download. Namely a bundle around the Airport-Sets the 3186, 3353, etc.

Here are some impressions of what is included in this update-version: