Interesting questions!
1) It has affected my wallet

I get FOMO and buy stuff even though I haven't had time for projects in YEARS.
2) Yes. I think I wouldn't have collected more PM these last years if it hadn't been for the re-releases. I've ordered spare parts for the western buildings, but ended up also buying them new, even though I have the original ones. I got almost all of the Victorian re-releases, even though I already had multiples of most of them. I got some of the medieval buildings, most of the history families, and so on.
3) I've never been in it for the resale value. I notoriously shocked a few German MISB collectors by ripping open a box I had just bought from them at an event during the PPC tour

I'm still over the moon that they decided to do these re-releases, but I wished they'd incorporate them into the existing themes, and
add on to them.
I miss the aesthetic and the level of detail of yore (

), and I dislike a lot of the new stuff: fronts of buildings rather than buildings, system WHY?!, continuously repurposed old molds, weirdly shaped clickies with weird faces, the merc for mediocre Netflix series, and so on.
(And I don't want to be all negative either: I think the Ayuma series has beautiful new features and structures. That big waterfall, the wobbly bridge connecting two islands that float on top of strategically placed waterfalls... imagine those were stripped of purples and sparkly bits, so they could be used for historic scenes

But to stick to the question: 8/10, very happy with the re-releases

I'm very curious to know if they've been a financial succes - I suppose not?