Smileys can be useful for conveying extra emotion in your post where the written language sometimes isn't enough. Click on the smiley you feel best reflects the mood of what you have written or, in the case of when you are replying to another member's quote, whatever you are responding to. Take extra care when using the "Roll Eyes" smiley (

)in response to
another member's comments, as it may be taken as sarcasm by other readers even if that is not your intention.

At the time of writing this FAQ, there are 40 set smileys included on the PlaymoFriends forum! 24 of these can easily be seen on the "Post Reply" screen below the BBC tags and above the area you type your message. To see the "hidden" ones, just click the blue [more] link to the right of the final smiley and they will pop up in a new window.
(see faq_more_smileys.jpg)The codes for the smileys are usually made from a pair or short string of characters. Sometimes they are represented by a word between 2 colons. When you post, these codes get automatically translated into images.
For example, these codes:
8} :wave:
Will make these appear in your post:

Please note that not all of the smiley codes will be correctly parsed and converted to images
unless their opening spaces are present. If part of the code is accidentally deleted or moved, they will also fail to work. Using the
Preview function will help you to check that your smileys are all working before you send your post and give you the opportunity to fix any that aren't.

If you simply can't find the right smiley on the "Post Reply" screen for the situation you find yourself in, it is also possible to insert smileys from other websites into your post by linking directly to them using the Image button in the BBC tags

. The URL of the smiley image needs to be placed between the Image tags in order for this method to work.
For example, this code:
Will make one of these appear in your post!