Author Topic: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures  (Read 41373 times)

Offline Martin Milner

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Building Parts required:

30 07 6080 - Wall Connector, T-junction, Triple-Female x17
30 07 6090 - Wall End, Male Connector x9
30 07 6120 - Wall, Flat, Plain, Double-Male Connectors x14 or 16
30 07 6680 - Wall, Flat with Arrow-Slit x4 or 2 (interchangeable with the above)
You need 18 total of these wall units either solid or with arrow slits, my set came with 4 arrow slit walls but only 2 are shown on the plan.
30 07 6670 - Wall Connector, Corner, Double-Female x4
30 07 6700 - Wall, Flat, with Arched Doorway x1
30 07 6710 - Wall, open frame, 1 unit wide x2
30 07 6720 - Castle wall, 1 unit wide, arch-top window x2
30 07 6770 - Battlement connector, new-style (flat bottom) x14 (my pic shows 13, I'd dropped one on the floor)
30 07 6800 - Wall, 2 units wide, large arch-top doorway x1
30 07 6810 - Battlement, scalloped front, 1 unit wide x18
30 07 8780 - Wall, 2-wide, arch and hinges for castle doors x1
30 07 8780 - Wall, 2-wide, arch and hinges for castle doors x1
30 07 8790 - Roof support for square peaked roof x1
30 07 8800 - Roof support, tall battlement connector x4 used for rear tower
30 07 8890 - Roof, shingled, square, pointed in centre x1
30 02 8660 - Door, Arch-top, 2-wide x1
30 02 8670 - Door, Arch-top x1
30 02 8740 - Filler for Wall ('Toast') x as many as you like - I don't bother with them
30 02 8760 - Stairs with top platform x1
30 07 6100 - Wall Connector, Flat, Double-Female x2
30 07 6150 - Floor, rectangular, 1-wide x3
30 07 6210 - Railing, small, clips onto floor x1
30 07 6820 - Floor, 2x2 units, square cutout in corner x1
30 07 8850 - Weathercock x1
30 60 0730 - Latch, sliding, for door x2
30 60 3440 - Floor, 1x1 units, large trap doorway x1 (3 pieces under one item code)
30 61 3460 - Bar and hooks to lock wooden doors x1
30 66 7880 - Doors, wooden, pair of half-arches x2
30 07 7040 - Hinge clip x8
30 02 9150 - Floor connector, 1/2-unit long x4

30 02 9160 - Railing, wooden x2 (N.B. Missing from my set, not vital but nice if you have them)
30 02 9170 - Railing corner piece x2 (N.B. Missing from my set, not vital but nice if you have them)
These 4 pieces form a safety rail next to the hole over the main gate.

Front Wall & Gate Assembly

4 solid walls to connect front wall to inner gate wall.

Inner Gate assembly

in place

torches & brackets, & door bar brackets added

left, right and back wall sections laid out ready to assemble

rear tower ground floor laid out. This is where I am using my 2 spare arrowslit walls, but the plans call for solid walls.

floor sections laid ready to drop in

dropped in, ground floor finished

small tower pieces laid ready to assemble

and part way assembled. Pop on the legs, roof and weather vane to complete. It's actually best to put this section on last after the battlement walls shown later to get the connectors to slide in easily.

Front tower pieces ready to assemble

assembled, with top floor & battlements ready to pop on. The tower battlements comprise
four 30 07 6770 - Battlement connector, new-style (flat bottom) and
four 30 07 6810 - Battlement, scalloped front, 1 unit wide connected in a square.

Front tower finished, left wall walkway ready to drop in. Put in the stairs and floors first, then slide the 2 brown connector-supports into place.

right wall walkway ready to drop in.

Battlements assembled ready to put on. The left/rear wall battlement is a 3x3 L shape, the front/right is 1x4.

Offline Klickus Mobilius

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #1 on: May 13, 2009, 11:03:15 »
Great work!   :wow:

Offline playmofire

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #2 on: May 13, 2009, 15:29:56 »
Excellent, Martin, and it's great to see this castle built up.  Many thanks.
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Offline kaethe

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #3 on: May 13, 2009, 20:06:50 »
thank you martin, meticulous and organized photo work.  as one who does not have any castles, it was interesting to see the creation.

Offline macgayver

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #4 on: May 13, 2009, 20:53:21 »
Nice work  :)

Thank you
One picture say's more then a thousand words ;)

Offline Richard

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #5 on: May 13, 2009, 22:12:54 »

Hmmm ...

Quite clever, Martin ...  :wow:

Actually, a rather innovative and masterful way of getting around Geobra's idiotic rule against posting Playmobil assembly instructions on the web.

Brilliant ...  :wow:

Martin, you have now opened the way for all us to "legally" share assembly instructions for all of Playmobil's "construction" sets.

Thank you ...  :wow:

All the best,

Offline Martin Milner

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #6 on: May 14, 2009, 05:30:01 »

Actually, a rather innovative and masterful way of getting around Geobra's idiotic rule against posting Playmobil assembly instructions on the web.

Brilliant ...  :wow:

Martin, you have now opened the way for all us to "legally" share assembly instructions for all of Playmobil's "construction" sets.

Heather actually came up with the idea back in October 2005, and I came up with it independantly about a year ago, but as long as was able to publish pdf copies of the printed instructions it wasn't really necessary.

The two factors that kicked this off now were that Geobra shut down's site, and that I actually have some of the castles for which people are always requesting plans.


Offline Gepetto

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #7 on: May 18, 2009, 01:30:20 »
Very well done Martin, thank you. :wow: :wow:


Offline highlandcattle

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #8 on: September 20, 2009, 19:58:05 »
Thanks Martin, I just got this set second hand for the meager amount of €19,99. It only had one floor board missing, the padlocks and the brown corner pieces for the safety rail. Thanks to your instructions I could easily spot what was missing, not that I'll keeping the set as it is, it is a parts bin for my city. Like the forum romanum was in the 16 century!

Offline Bolingbroke

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Re: 3667 Small Castle assembly in step-by-step in pictures
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2011, 16:04:43 »
This topic came in really handy when I was assembling my 3667. Thanks! I do have two questions however. 1) did the original brown-trousered klicky have a black collar or was his neck bare? 2) I think you're missing the 'bannister' thingummy on the battlements, on top of the main door: my set had two ... and only one connector. Did the original set have two connectors? And one last question to anyone who has the original set ... did the fat klicky have black cuffs? Thanks for any help - Im quite anal when it comes to this sort of thing :)
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