The site i used to put in the train show contacted me. The x husband who ran the Home & Garden expo (he saw the value in hobby trains) retired after my last show. His x wife was given the expo and she saw no value in “us nutty collectors”. A feeble attempts was made to move to the Charles Schultz Discovery Museum (snoopy) but space was limited and the event was too short for a big diorama.
Well I guess the money bug finally came home to roost and the wife finally realized the benefit of silly collectors and their insatiable hobby drawing in the paying customers and their annoying offspring.
So I was contacted and asked to join in, and please put up a diorama once again, they’ll pay me this time.
some business person actually saw the faint blue light in their head turn on
Now if only playmo-US would show some support this time, just think of all the grass root advertising and PR ……