
General => Report & Review => Topic started by: Bas on October 12, 2013, 14:36:49

Title: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Bas on October 12, 2013, 14:36:49
Today I visited the German TRU

I found a 5919! Must be a German exclusive?
I believed those French soldier sets were discontinued for 10years+ now!


The set cost me 50€, thats a little bit expensive but there are certainly good reasons to buy this one:
1. On e-bay those soldiers go price up to 5€ incl shipment each!
2. I did not had a small pirate ship yet.
3. This set might be historicle because might be the last 100% system-X
4. Connecteble with my 3112 =)


The 3 soldiers that come along are identical to the 3112.
I wonder if those are purchaseble via german custom service now,
since they fabricate a new batch of these soldiers for this set, or NOT????


There is something to say about those 2 pirates.
The left one has a French look a like coat  ???
The pirate captain is best designed in years! Finaly a captain that can sit in the large ship's cabin!
No non-removeble overcoat! A shame this feather on its hat doesnt really match the design.


100% system-X. The giant rock and quay have been found earlier in playmobil vikings base.
Considering they still have batches of these parts being stored in manufactoring warehouse,
they discontinued vikings way too early.


I have mixed feeling about this small ship.
The price of these small ships alone are like 30€ which makes it a lot more affoardeble
for childern's wallet to get a pirate ship at the first place.
But the finishing of this ship is not a 100%.
The mast-post is very flexible/bendeble and this one doesnt have 3 sails like the 5140.
Also this one doesnt have a storing place and anchors are now-a-days made of plastics!
Geobra really saved money on this one...


The 2 types of canon both a have a black chassis, must be a new colour.
The berta was fully assembled in this box, I remember from the 90's they were hard to assemble from scratch.


What really supprised me was the fact the infantery-rifle wasn't present. This set only has muskets.
2 Dark-grey and one dark-brown. I wonder why that is, must have something to do with an older batch??
And a shame they only have sets with blue parrots atm. What happened to the red-ones?

Overall this set is just a hotchpotch of some spare parts from earlier sets.
But still worth the purchase if you are planning to customise on your 3112.
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Bas on October 12, 2013, 15:15:05
** I know there are plenty of people mentioning these soldiers propose Spanjards or Englishmen.
But thats not correct.

Geobra made English teamed soldiers earlier and now the 2nd generation, they looked all RED.

Those who seen Zorro movies might have seen the Spanish colonist uniforms look almost identical as these.
Hmmm, okay, well Geobra made typicle spanjards (+/-2009).

But what really made clear to me that these are French are the flags used in the sets. All have something blue!
Blue is the colour of France, patriotism!
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Wesley Myers on October 12, 2013, 18:02:19
Thank you for he review!

The 5919 was sold here in Canada at Costco years ago.  They sold okay (for Playmobil) I believe. I could be wrong as so many of he sets they've put together for the store have been flops.  They sell two different sets in that size box each year.   They sell for $100 which is pretty high for most people considering so few know what Playmobil is here as the company does NO product or brand recognition here.

However this year they seem to have more Lego and no playmobil...

I've been waiting for a knights set at Costco. 
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: basilsdad on October 12, 2013, 18:38:41
That is a great set, thanks for the review.

Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Bas on October 13, 2013, 13:21:54
24hours later I gathered the parts of 3112 and put some scene together.



The tower upon the original 3112 makes the bastion equally heigh as the schooner ships.
The colours dont 100% match but it looks ok. Just a bad looking corner from the sight in the back.
But it all still looks small compared next to the larger ships.



Pirates comming!

Oh wait did I mention the 3112 is no longer a prison but just stables??


Last but not least I made a set up of the 5919 pirate captain in the cabin.
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: DrDalek6 on October 13, 2013, 15:54:42
Interesting set I like the sail on that ship and the Pirate in the blue top and green shorts looks good, I can seey your point though that it's a bit spladash and the ships not as good as other ones. Your sailors do look good though manning the fort  love those maps and books, I've got one of the Sailors myself didn't realise he was French though  :-[ shows my knowledge
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Wesley Myers on October 13, 2013, 16:07:44
They look good together! 

If you got a few more of each you could make a right good fort. (There's the adult mind - children are happy with just the small)
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Georgeag1972 on October 15, 2013, 09:44:26
Thanks for the review. I have also this set and it is great!!!

George. :)
Title: Re: 5919 French soldiers pirate set
Post by: Rhalius on October 15, 2013, 20:21:17
certainly seems to be a winning combination, the tower with the fort.

Nice captain's cabin setup too by the way! bought that pirate ship last year and am still quite happy with it. (still need to work it into a story sometimes.)