Getting Started > Welcome!

Hi from Oregon

(1/5) > >>

Hey there everone,
Here I am finally. For those that may not already know me - I specialize in the animals made by Playmobil. You can see them at my website I also have Vikings, pirates, knights, police and fire, racing, and anything else that I like at the moment.

Hi Tiermann,

Glad to see you here! I (and my girls) am a big fan of your beautiful animal site!

Red (aka mommy2mandg in other places online)

Hello Tim, Welcome to playmofriends!  :**:

I was going to write this a half an hour ago, but clicked your link and spent half an hour at
Animobil.  What a cool site, I´ve been there before but not for a while. You have animals I´ve never seen there!
     I see you like  Vikings, pirates, knights, police and fire, racing, and anything else that I like at the moment. 

 Sounds a bit like a lot of us ;)


Hi Tim! :*)

Very pleased you've made it here! :D

You've filled the vacancy for a resident animal expert very nicely! 8-) ;)

Hello  Tim  :wave:

Welcome to Playmofriends, i am really glad you have joined us. I am sure you will really enjoy it here  :)9.

Regards  Tim  :)


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