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This idea could utilize so many existing molds, and there are so many supermarkets around the world for marketing opportunities. Plus it keeps kids entertained as the parents try to focus on shopping
Brainstorming For Playmobil / Re: Independence Day theme
« Last post by Rasputin on July 04, 2024, 14:25:26 »
If they need more sets ….

Independence from France is around 40

Just think of all the flags, history , culture, design opportunities
Brainstorming For Playmobil / Promoting playmobil through supermarket sets
« Last post by Eplay on July 04, 2024, 14:14:56 »
In the Netherlands we often have a discount promotion (“spaaractie”) in supermarkets for discount on things like pots and pans, cutlery and towels.

One thing I remember from my childhood was the Shell tank station Lego sets that my parents collected for us. My mom saved them and I recently build them with my son. It’s the one promotional I remember best.

I was thinking that it would be fun to have a playmobil supermarket collaboration where you can save for small supermarket related sets. In the Netherlands the Albert Heijn (AH) is one of the biggest chains and has a very recognizable colour and logo. (Perhaps Edeka in Germany).
I think it would be possible to create small sets to collect. They can use existing mounds. For example

1. klicky with shopping cart (blue cart for AH, but it could be a different colour for a different supermarket chain)

2. fruit and vegetables aisle with employee (female).

It could use the rack for crates from set 70134

3. cheese and meat department with employee (female)
It could use the display case from the butcher shop

4. Bread departement with employee (female)
It could use the display case from set 3202

5. Grocery aisle with stock clerk (male)
I’ve always thought the shelf unit with a sloped front would be great for a supermarket if it’s done in a light grey

The stocking clerk will have the supermarket outfit

If the different employees have a figures base, the same outfit with no skin tone visible on the body part it would be possible to give the klickies different skin tones for the heads and hands and you can make even  more employees. That way it would be fun to buy a couple of the grocery aisle sets.

6. Freezer with 2 kids with ice cream.

With the supermarket logo instead of the penguins, just on top, the bottom can stay white so that you can put several next to each other.

7. Self scan (no cash) register (probably very specific for the Netherlands )
With klicky with grocery basket

8. cargo bike (in the Netherlands we transport our kids in this)

9.  delivery truck (this one would be the biggest set)

Apart from the self scan (no cash) register I think everything could be made from using existing moulds.
Let me know what you think!

Brainstorming For Playmobil / Independence Day theme
« Last post by Rasputin on July 04, 2024, 14:12:13 »
I was thinking in celebration of Fourth of July there should be a theme called Independence

It’s part history and part educational

Just think of all the independence that happened

Independence from  Britain - 65

Independence from Spain - 30

Just those two places could keep the wheels of education and history rollin for quite some time
News / Re: Playmobil in the News
« Last post by JLMatterer on July 03, 2024, 19:24:53 »

Direct Service/Parts Queries / Re: A long wait (268 days and counting)
« Last post by Ismene on July 03, 2024, 08:37:25 »
Yes, the US parts department is more sparsely stocked, and many parts never come in.
News / Re: Playmobil in the News
« Last post by JLMatterer on July 03, 2024, 01:49:56 »

Direct Service/Parts Queries / Re: A long wait (268 days and counting)
« Last post by 4bairns on July 03, 2024, 01:47:33 »
“I'm not sure where in the world you are, 4bairns, but tahra is correct. In the UK, parts orders are received by Playmobil (UK) in Essex, processed, paid for by the customer, then sent (electronically) to Germany, where the parts are picked (they have a massive spare parts section, I am told) and shipped back direct to the customer using UPS. You probably knew all that. The customer has to order through the Essex place.”

I’m here infrequently and have had some struggles navigating the site so just finding this (while looking at my profile).

Graham, I’m in the US, California to be precise. Seems to be fewer parts available on the Playmobil US site.
How-To / Re: Green girl figure from 3782 help
« Last post by 4bairns on July 03, 2024, 01:40:58 »
I’d love to have the pink and green girl, just tell me how much you need for her and thank you! Would definitely solve my problem. Still need to buy the pink bow for my city bus set but those do come along and I keep a running list on eBay. Usually unless a piece has been very hard to find I wait until I have 5-6 items in my cart or wish list from a single seller, otherwise the shipping costs more than the part. I’ve temporarily subbed an extra pinkish purple bow.

Just saw how to attach a photo. It used to be quite complicated and involved a secondary website I didn’t belong to (PhotoBox I think?). Then that disappeared- defunct maybe- and for awhile it wasn’t possible to add photos at all. Glad it’s been handled. My photo is blurry because when I had her out my phone wasn’t handy so used my iPad, which has never taken very good photos.

Ok strike that- I attached it but when I hit post got a message that the file was too large. Not being a computer whiz- and as a senior citizen- I don’t know how to change that.
Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on July 03, 2024, 01:10:34 »

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