News / Re: Vespa Sets
« Last post by pingo on Today at 13:49:06 » Now they are ordered
Then I wait by the mailbox
Then I wait by the mailbox
I just hate it that they have to ruin the whole pirate theme with those creepy eyes on the clickies.
In general observations that short counter in the style of the old Western theme bar seems new? It's in a couple of the sets but I don't remember it. Would be nice to have it in brown to match the older bar.
The woman looks Andean (Peru) but not sure about the man but most likely Latin America somewhere.
New animal molds are:
the large shark in Pirates - totally agree with Tahra it looks like Bruce from Finding Nemo.
I think the Nessie has different color eyes, but yeah they could have done it in a new color.
Yes the Pegasus foal is a new color.