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Modern steck

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--- Quote from: Oliver on June 18, 2024, 09:37:51 ---Aren't the tabs also bigger on the Victorian walls?

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I’ve never tried, unfortunately our Victorian maestro (MacGyver) is currently unavailable, I’m sure he would have made them fit one way or another


--- Quote from: GrahamB on June 18, 2024, 07:27:09 ---Here are some pictures of the Steck hospital I posted on here recently. We definitely need a ground floor in the new Steck buildings!

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Wow, awesome pictures of that rare set. Such simplistic beauty. Proper color choices.

Yes, thanks for the nice pictures.
Those double doors are really nice. In the Netherlands a lot of houses build in the 30s have them with stained glass windows.  :love:


--- Quote from: Rasputin on June 18, 2024, 17:43:19 ---I’ve never tried, unfortunately our Victorian maestro (MacGyver) is currently unavailable, I’m sure he would have made them fit one way or another

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Same size I recall, just taller wall section. The castle walls fit the Victorian house base plates and are compatible with the roof too.

And there was stecks in red


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