General > Brainstorming For Playmobil

Spanish treasure fleet Pirate batch.


I've mentioned it in another thread so I figure to just write it all down in full how I would imagine a whole batch like this where the Spanish soldiers are again the enemy of the pirates.

-Spanish galleon. (big ship.)
It would use a new mold with a locked treasure room at the front of the ship under a raised platform that can be reached with stairs and like at the back with the cabin, the roof can be removed to play inside.
It could still have a cargo hold but it could be lower than normal to not make the ship too high. A clickie could lay in it, but not sit in it. Instead of a crane the ship could come with a walking plank for clickies and cargo to move on and off the ship.
The crow's nest would be fully round for once, not mostly open. A new mold would be used for that too.
Captain's cabin under the steering wheel would have a bed and two shelves build into the walls to put stuff on.
There would be a treasure chest with gold nuggets and coins included for the treasure room, and two cannons as usual.
There would be no stickers or such that would clearly mark it as a soldier's ship so that flags could easily be changed to make it a pirate ship.
Included clickies would be: An officer with a feathered morion helmet, armour and a nice beard, a standard soldier in armour and two sailors.

-Pirate port. (big land set.)
Would not be a huge set, it would pretty much be a tavern with docks in front which could have an elevated area to put a mortar cannon.
The tavern would be two floors high but most of it is open on the inside, there's stairs going up to a bedroom upstairs with some hammocks for pirates to sleep in.
Would also allow for a steering wheel shaped chandelier to hang from the ceiling which could be dropped down on whoever is below.
There would be a hidden stash under floorboards or in the wall somewhere to hide weapons or treasure.
There would be a bar and some liquor bottles, also a table with two benches and a fancy big chair fit for a pirate captain.
Mugs, an ale cask and plenty of weapons would all be there too of course, and a small row boat. Also playing cards.
Included clickies would be: A red haired pirate wench kind of bartender, a male and female pirate, and an old male pirate captain.

Treasure well. (Medium set.)
A small island with a well on a sand hill, the well is big enough for a clicky to fit in, and is boarded off with wooden planks that can be removed.
There's rocks that can be moved to get under the well too, where there's a cave with a weathered treasure chest. There's also a crocodile and some snakes with the set as added dangers. There's two shovels, a map, a compass and several weapons, a lantern too and a small wooden crane with a bucket that can be lowered down into the well with a rope.
The set comes with a large rowboat, A Spanish armoured soldier and a sailor, and two pirates. So two teams trying to get the treasure first.

Spanish officer. (small set.)
A Spanish officer with a table, a chair, a map, navigating tools, a sword and pistol.
It can all fit into the Galleon's captain's quarters.

Spanish mortar. (small set.)
A mortar cannon with a tray to store the large cannon balls, also a torch.
Comes with two armoured and armed Spanish soldiers.
There is room on the Galleon's front deck to place the mortar.

Pirate ship. (small ship.)
A new mold for a small pirate ship but still similar to the usual small ships. Main difference is a storage compartment under the floorboards behind the steering wheel, big enough to either store a laying clickie in or some weapons or treasure. Great for smuggling. There is a cannon with the ship, a low basket that fits in the storage compartment, some small barrels and weapons too. No treasure. A parrot is included.
Included clickies are: Old female captain with eyepatch and wooden leg, two male pirates as her crew.

Shark bay. (Medium island.)
Could possibly be a super set, it is a small island with a small half open wooden structure of which the roof can be reached over the rocks. There's a partial railing and a small cannon on top for the look out, a barrel table in the structure and a chest to store some tools and weapons. There's a one person cage hanging on a crane of this outpost too, and a shark to feed the prisoner to.
There's also an opening in the rocks somewhere for a small treasure chest filled with gems. Some palm trees and bushes on the island too.
Included clickies are: One haggard looking Spanish soldier who is the prisoner, and two pirates.

Conquistador. (small set.)
A single armoured Spanish soldier on horseback with a saddle that has room to carry a bit of treasure with him. He has a sword and blunderbuss gun.

Raft. (Small set.)
A raft big enough for four clickies to sit on with a sail. There is a shark included.
A pirate and a Spanish sailor are included too, with a few weapons and fish. Unlikely allies against that shark.

Playmobil plus sets to go alongside it:

Spanish soldiers.
Three armed and armoured Spanish soldiers.

Spanish officer.
A Spanish officer with a feathered helmet and a sword.

Three pirates as usual, but ones in rare categories: A black woman, an Asian man and a dwarf. With weapons of course.

Pirate captain.
A haggard looking pirate captain that has a hook, wooden leg and eye patch all on the same side. He has an impressive beard and a feathered hat too.

Docks expansion.
An expansion set for the docks of the pirate island, making that section twice as big.

Pirate apparel.
A set consisting of a variety of pistols, knives, blunderbuss guns and swords.
Also comes with a sash to put weapons in and a baldric, three different pirate hats, a Spanish morion helmet and a chest armour, a necklace too.
There are two regular sized brown barrels with it, four small brown barrels, a simple wooden chest with lid, a reinforced wooden chest with lock too.
A regular cannon with three projectiles is included as well.
A set of gold coins, a set of silver coins, gold nuggets, a small golden statue and other various gold items are included too to make for a treasury.
Tools like a spyglass, axe, shovel, map, torch and such are included too.
And a large rowboat.


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