General > Brainstorming For Playmobil

Move Playmobil production to the USA

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Seeing as the rapid deindustrialization of Germany seems to be accelerating I’d suggest moving the company to the USA. Porsche, Audi and BMW have begun the process. If the economic might of the German auto industry is not only looking into it but actively building new plants there , there must be some serious benefits for it.

Then I can finally get a factory tour and look into all the ways the Malta sellers get their hands on vast amounts of parts and klickies.

I'm not sure that US government subsidies stretch to children's toys  :lol: :lol:

On a serious note, I think if Playmobil had the sort of global ambitions that professes to, they would probably want to expand their manufacturing capabilities or streamline the range it offers, since they frequently have sets that aren't available (at least in the UK, maybe that's a Brexit issue).


--- Quote from: Oliver on March 02, 2024, 06:43:39 ---I'm not sure that US government subsidies stretch to children's toys  :lol: :lol:

--- End quote ---

At this point it may just be wise to not even look for welfare handouts and just face the reality that it’s either “poop or get of the loo”

I’m just interested in the Survival of the Brandstätter Group


--- Quote from: Oliver on March 02, 2024, 06:43:39 ---I'm not sure that US government subsidies stretch to children's toys  :lol: :lol:

--- End quote ---
Some states do offer tax incentives for large companies willing to settle in and hire hundreds of locals.

As time goes by, the opportunity to move what’s left of this German toy company is ever decreasing.

As one of Europe’s economic Titanics has not only hit the preverbal iceberg, but is taking on water as the orchestra plays Mozart, for heavens sake get on the limited life rafts and head to the masters shores in the mighty USA. Get out while you can

Don’t let hindsight catch you off guard


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