As most of you know I buy and sell on Ebay and I have probably sold over a 1,000 figures with 100% + feedback. Every figure I have sold has undergone a fitness test and when required cleaned so that when they arrive they are ready for play or display.
This next lot of posts will show you what I do and I hope you find some of my methods useful
My Playmobil cleaning equipment is mainly just basic household items and I will show you what I use them for. The most important item here is the fine metal polish that I use, I have found that Autosol and Peek are the best for cleaning and polishing Playmobil plastic. These two products will remove most paint, pen and crayon from your figures but be careful with it because they also remove print very quickly. They also remove very fine scratches and leave a very highly polished shine to your figures.
The Windolene is used to remove the white powdery residue that gets left behind mainly around the arms from the polish. It is also good for those figures that are not too old and dirty and gets rid of greasy fingerprints sticky sweet remains and leaves a nice shine to your figures.
The cup of tea is optional and can be replaced by coffee if wished.
I’m going to restore the figure from set 3303 racing motorcyclist mainly because it is white and should show of the end result better.