Author Topic: surgery light mounting  (Read 3262 times)

Offline kaethe

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surgery light mounting
« on: August 26, 2008, 03:03:55 »
hi everyone
i am slowly building my medical center, but i have a problem with the surgery light mounts:  i would like to use the surgery light style from the old set 3459 ( parts 30045160, 30605880, 30605870) but have them hang on the swivel arm from the new hospital set 4404( part number 30514220).  the older round surgery light is a more accurate representation of OR lighting, whereas the 3 light set is more for exam tables, at least that is my experience here in the us.  any ideas? 

thank you

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Re: surgery light mounting
« Reply #1 on: August 28, 2008, 21:12:12 »
A hot glue gun? Maybe glueing the last swivel piece to the back center of the light would work.
I have doubts though because of the weight of the light, the joints on this sort of arm form tend to be pretty loose. It might be easier to make it a fixed light by attaching it to the ceiling rather than using an arm.
An option for some mobility would be to use a 30 25 2860 - Swivel bar with System X peg the 30 04 0610 - Light with clip attaches to that. If you put the swivel in a System X hole in the ceiling and then glue the large light fxture to the side of the clip lamp you would at least get movement in one direction.

Offline kaethe

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Re: surgery light mounting
« Reply #2 on: August 29, 2008, 05:24:36 »
wow. thanks.  that system x piece is actually part of the hospital (the front door lights hang from it) and i had not even thought of mounting it from the ceiling.  the multi swivel end joint that mounts onto the three-section light actually fits relatively securely, into the semi-circular swivel mount of the old light, and augmented with a bit of rubber, i think it will stay, and yet give full range of motion to the light.

thanks again.