Creative > How-To
Dismantling Swimsuit Klickys
Bill Blackhurst:
Thank you for showing how these new Klicky's & Klacky's are designed, bb! :high5: Try using pieces of thick rubber hose on the ends of needle nosed pliers to prevent damage next time.
That's a good suggestion! I was thinking of using something rubber as padding last night, but I couldn't seem to put my hands on anything in all the chaos.
omg thanks for the tutorial! i need to try this myself :)
I have read 100 times about the rubber band technic.... but I just don't get it. sorry. It takes strenght to dismantle the clicky, I can't understand how a rubber band just does it >:( >:( >:(
Wolf Knight:
I'll back up Gaston in this! My sentiment exactly...
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