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New Figure: Thomas Mann

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--- Quote from: playmofire on October 19, 2024, 09:52:11 ---I wonder why Playmobil don't go more for characters of authors rather than the authors themselves?

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I believe the point is to honour/highlight various historic figures with these sets.


--- Quote from: playmofire on October 19, 2024, 09:52:11 ---I wonder why Playmobil don't go more for characters of authors rather than the authors themselves?

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I suppose it also depends on the writer in question - for example, with Dickens you could probably make some recognisable characters in Klicky form, but what would be the difference between a figure of Jane Austen and a figure of one of her heroines?


--- Quote from: Oliver on October 20, 2024, 02:22:07 ---I suppose it also depends on the writer in question - for example, with Dickens you could probably make some recognisable characters in Klicky form, but what would be the difference between a figure of Jane Austen and a figure of one of her heroines?

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Yes, but Jane Austen etc have more than heroines, there are also heroes and "baddies" and supporting characters.

If they come up with a figure like this picture of Mann, it might be a winner, although I note it is a limited edition figure:

Mis-post, please ignore.

A man in a suit holding a book with limited production and distribution for many euros + shipping


Meanwhile , have you seen Lego new adult sets at Costco or Amazon


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