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Does anyone have Playmobil price lists?
I've been working on a few things for Heather and an interesting data possibility has come up. Over the many years that I received catalogs by mail from Playmobil USA, they have included an "Order Form and Price List" booklet which gives all the prices as well as information such as "new" or "while supplies last." They stopped sending the booklet after 2014 which, if I remember correctly, may coincide with the launch of their new website. If enough of this type of data can be collected, it could be pretty interesting.
Does anyone in the US have these booklets from 2000 and 2006 (years that I am currently missing) or booklets from years prior to 1999? If so, can you share those with me somehow? You could scan them or mail them to me and I would mail them back to you after scanning - please PM me if you can help with this.
Does anyone outside the US have similar booklets? It would be REALLY interesting to compare prices across the globe. :yup: :)
Sounds interesting! I have no US catalogues nor price-lists, Indy, but I do have UK catalogues going back to the '90s. The novelties catalogues don't have prices but the DS ones do.
I recorded the prices of all items in the German DS catalogues from 1983 to 2016 (some of which were end-of-line items being sold off 'while stocks last') in (yes, you guessed) a spreadsheet, here. (I need to refresh that Dropbox link in the first post of that topic).
Edit: Link updated
I'm surprised to hear about those price lists in the US.
Catalogues have never had price lists here in Belgium. The catalogues were distributed in toy stores and big supermarkets, which all decided on their own prices for sets, so a fixed price list would have been a problem.
The only fixed prices were in the Direct Service booklets (stapled inside the catalogues), for ordering add-ons through the mail. They stopped distributing those when the web shop came up.
--- Quote from: Indianna on April 18, 2019, 13:25:16 ---I've been working on a few things for Heather and an interesting data possibility has come up. Over the many years that I received catalogs by mail from Playmobil USA, they have included an "Order Form and Price List" booklet which gives all the prices as well as information such as "new" or "while supplies last." They stopped sending the booklet after 2014 which, if I remember correctly, may coincide with the launch of their new website. If enough of this type of data can be collected, it could be pretty interesting.
Does anyone in the US have these booklets from 2000 and 2006 (years that I am currently missing) or booklets from years prior to 1999? If so, can you share those with me somehow? You could scan them or mail them to me and I would mail them back to you after scanning - please PM me if you can help with this.
Does anyone outside the US have similar booklets? It would be REALLY interesting to compare prices across the globe. :yup: :)
--- End quote ---
I remember them. I also remember that for a year or so they actually put the price in the catalog description too. Too bad that I don’t save them
I remember literally sending cash through the mail with letters ("Please send me set XXXX..."). I wonder if I still have any of the price lists. ???
ETA: I'm not finding any price lists. I have catalogs and a few add-on pamphlets (those have prices for the add-ons) and a few receipts (weirdly - not sure why I have really old receipts).
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