Getting Started > Welcome!

Hello? Hello? Are we on the air?

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--- Quote from: Meg on November 11, 2005, 13:08:07 ---I think the evidence of her crisis was erased before the board went public.

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I think there might be a few little hints of it still. If you edit one of your own posts while your name is changed to something other than your current name, it shows up in the fine print at the bottom.

Btw, if you wonder why there are so many empty ID numbers in the members list, these were test accounts that I created while checking the registration process was working: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 14, 15... and 17. *Ahem* It took quite a lot of testing, as you can see. 8}

And this is me too: [possum]

I decided not to delete that one as I can use it when I need to see what the forum looks like through the eyes of a regular member without all the extra buttons and stuff. :-[

Glad you like Psyche Socrates! It just fit the best (what does that say???)  Our Maestro (David) made my avatar (with guidlelines of course and I love her! I've always been a fan of the pink clown's gold torso...if that makes any sense!

Yes, a whole chain of orphanages might do the job! As long as I get to play too.  :D


--- Quote from: Psyche on November 09, 2005, 22:49:43 --- ...and the rest is history ;D (as is my life savings!  :-[)
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 :lol: :lol: Don't you worry, money come and money go  :)

Hi  Diana  :wave:

Thank you for all your hard work on the new site it is very much appreciated  :)9. It was a pleasure to learn a bit more about you. Even though we have been in touch for a while now there were things in your introduction i had not seen before. I am really looking forward to seeing some of your work, you have a good teacher in David and i am sure he has taught you some tricks of the trade !!

Regards  Tim  :)

First a very big thankyou for making this site possible Psyche. You with Sylvia, did by far the most to get us here :*)

          You wrote, "I was fascinated and I cannot to this day tell you why."

 That`s right! I´m the same. I can´t pass a shop window without staring and usually going in and coming out with at least a  `special.`

With all our other activities, it`s surprising that you´ve got time to be here at all ;D We`re very happy to have you!  ;)



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