Hi all, thanks for your encouragement...makes me want to build another one!
I will try to answer all your questions.
playmofire...An American Indian theme would be great. You might find pueblo type homes in Mexico as well.
Tiermann...I thought of building a hangar, but it would have been to big for my storage space.
Captain Henry...Sorry, Captain, I have that one picture of that pueblo. The pueblo is gone, but the rear of the structure has "standard" doll house type openings.
hoppatusa...I have sent pictures to Playmobil, and they answered "maybe some day".
Meg...Sorry again, no pueblo, but I have no Playmobil secrets! The pueblo is made very much like the real ones in regards to weight bearing walls, and such stuff as that. The beams go all the way through the rooms and out the back, so you can see them in all the rooms holding up the ceiling, or floor above. I studied a few books on the subject as well as visiting the pueblos in northern Arizona.
You folks are great!
All the best