As I was looking through some playmobil sets on sale I saw that one of my least favorite torso prints has been used again in a my figures rescue set 70980

It just doesn’t work for me (too many colours I guess)
So I’ve been looking through my klickies and found some favourites from the city life theme. (And also a lot of non favourites). I would like to know what your favorite torso print is.
1. Milka man purple stripes with blue jacket
I don’t know how I got one because I think it’s a rare one, but I love the combination of the colours of the shirt, jacket and trousers. I’ve given my klicky different hair and hat though. Not really into the purple cap.

2. Light blue shirt with stripes. I like it for its simplicity.

3. Green/blue checkered shirt:
They often try to make a checkered shirt print, most of them look awful, but this one works. I hope it will get used more often. A dark red version would be nice too.

4. Black hoodyie with print:

Nordic sweater print:

6. Blue striped shirt:
Luckily also a favourite of geobra.

I only had time to look through the male klickies. I’m interested in seeing your favourites!!