Finally got the gladiator girl and the Lion knight.

Someone sold them on Marktplaats, 3 euros each but thats how much they seem to cost in stores too. And the seller sold many parts for 0,25 each so I'm quite happy to get a few extra gladiuses, a black roman cape, a standard soldier's chestplate, a black swordbelt and a red pirate headwrap that seems perfect for medieval too.
Might give the lion knight the sword belt, not sure yet. The gladiator will definatly get a gladius, and it allows me to give any gladiator that used a longer sword to now use a gladius instead since I find it more fitting. And cant ever have enough roman capes, roman cape is best cape.

By the way, I get the idea that the female gladiator may not be intended to be a gladiator at all, but is meant to be an amazon? They just went the easy way with using the roman helmet instead of making a new greek one. Still doesnt excuse the hideous shield, but somehow it makes sense.
I'll definatly still use her as a gladiator though!