5596+5597 Figures 8First, the mandatory note:
I've been told I am sometimes harsh on my comments. Keep in mind I LOVE playmobil. Generally, it's GREAT. Without a doubt and by FAR, the GREATEST toy on the Universe. And also keep in mind that I've gotten a box of each boys and girls since the first series - meaning, despite all the "problems" I point out, they are VERY MUCH WORTH IT. We ALL know playmobil rules, so I suppose I tend to point out the problems. There are only so many ways of saying AWESOME, right?
As usual, these were highly anticipated. This time, there WAS a serious reason for it - I was dying to see the speedo boots. They did not disappoint

The boxes are unfortunately like the last ones - simple and not that nice, with no image of the figures. That is lousy, especially because you can't really see the figures in the packs themselves either...
Sorry for the lousy box pics, but we couldn't wait, so..

And the packs:

My sister noted the lousy quality of the instructions as soon as she opened the first pack. It feels off, it smells off. A real shame to see our beloved playmobil's quality go downhill like this. Also, what was wrong with the numbers on those lists?
The packs were again neatly organized - which was good, cause I didn't have time to go through them the first night - we opened one of each "girls" before my class (the gladiator could NOT wait) and one of each "boys" when I got back. The rest the next day. All even again.
In all the packs we opened, there were these extras:

The butterfly and the feathers are very welcome, as is the hat thingie - and the neckpieces.. the grey hood most of all...
Great that there ended up being a couple of each wristthings, and a red neckpiece.. We need to sort the confederates (again). Bayonets are nice, since I think we are missing quite a few.
(more later.... )