Btw, I don't think that there's a "receipt" or "tracking" system to show if and when messages have been read.
To follow up on this...
If you look at the messages in your Outbox there is a list at the top of all Sent messages. They automatically have a "read" symbol next to them like this

, but I think this only means that they have been read by the sender because I just tested sending one to another user who isn't online and it automatically showed the "read" symbol in my outbox. I'll have to find out more about this.

Good news now

... I added the
"Reply All" button as requested by
Red to the Personal Message form. Hopefully this will make life a bit easier for some of you. The only small drawback is it doesn't quote the message you're replying to... but you might find a work around by copying and pasting text if needed.
So far so good... it works and it isn't creating any errors in the forum log (unlike something else on the "Post Reply" template which I still need to fix!
