Author Topic: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I  (Read 3371 times)

Offline TableKnight

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Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« on: June 19, 2019, 20:17:30 »
Lost Kingdoms
Chapter I

It was dusk near the Town of Torras, the namesake capital of the Kingdom of Torras. An aged mysterious knight and a young man named Herberl walked their horses along the North Road away from the city. The wilderness of Torras was notorious for its dangers, but in these tumultuous times, one must be even more wary.

Herberl: You never told me what the steward spoke to you about back in Torras, is that why we’re heading along the North Road?

Mysterious Knight: We are going north towards the border with Liore, as the steward has given us, well…has given me, a very important quest, one which I’ve spent many years petitioning for. We must help find and return the Jewels of Power to their rightful places. I am confident we can find one in Liore…since the realm has fallen from grace.

Herberl: The jewels? As in, the Jewels that the famous Hype travelled through time to find? Gods, travelling through time doesn’t seem like a quest you should have taken…

Mysterious Knight: No, luckily for us the Jewels can all be found in our time now. Besides, Hype needed the Jewels to travel through time in the first place. But unlike Hype, we aren’t trying to use the Jewels, but rather stop them from being used. Right now, they are enablers of evil when in the wrong hands, causing the decay of the realms they reside in…

Herberl: So you’re saying Liore’s a realm of evil then? Pardon me for asking, sir knight, but I thought it was an ally of Torras…at least, that’s what the stories I’ve heard say…

Mysterious Knight: It was, but that over a century ago in the times of King Taskan IV and King Hype. But the reign of their current king, Lothair, has seen that alliance break down, and his rule has been questioned by his own lords. Some say Lothair was corrupted by someone, or something, and I think it was one of the Jewels…

As Herberl and the Mysterious Knight turned the corner they could see a skeleton stood in the shadow of the cliffside.

The undead - byproducts of the Jewels no longer upholding the natural order of things - they litter the wilderness and countryside where corpses were not given proper burials. To Herberl, it was terrifying, like something out of a fantastical tale, but the Knight had countless encounters in all his years.

As the skeleton charged at Herberl it swung its axe. Herberl was able to catch it with his sword while the Knight made an attack which was quickly blocked by the skeleton’s shield.

Herberl was tied up trying to stop the axe, but the Knight slashed his sword towards the skeleton’s exposed spine.

The skeleton was cut in two to the relief of Herberl, but the Knight knew it wasn’t finished.

The upper body of the skeleton crawled towards Herberl, who screamed at the sight of it.

The Knight put his sword through the skull, ending the undead creature for good.

Herberl and the Knight put away their swords as they looked at the pile of bones. Herberl made a sigh of relief in between his accelerated breathing. He’d never seen anything like that before.

Herberl: So, that’s the last of that then?

Mysterious Knight: No. Where we’re going, we’ll see worse.

To be continued...

The name and design of Herberl comes from the cancelled Playmobil World MMO Trailer (, as this project seeks to link together a lot of established 'Playmobil Lore', so-to-speak, along with a lot of my own creations. You'll be seeing a lot more of the adventures of Herberl in the future, set in the decaying world long after Hype's famous battle against Barnak.
« Last Edit: June 20, 2019, 15:32:18 by TableKnight »

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2019, 19:21:23 »
It had been about a day since Herberl and the Knight left the Town of Torras on their quest and they had been traversing the North Road at a quick pace. It was almost dusk, and the Knight chose to look for a place to camp. He selected an area at the base of the cliff which the road ran along.

Herberl: Is this where we’re going to camp for the night then?

Mysterious Knight: Yes, it seems peaceful enough, and we can refill our waterskins in the pool.

Herberl and the Knight walked down the cliffside to the clearing after leaving their horses at the road. Herberl enjoyed the view on the way down and remarked how beautiful the wilderness was up in northern Torras.

Mysterious Knight: I feel like there’s something familiar about this place…like I’ve been here before…or maybe I’m just getting old.

As the Knight led Herberl next to the pool they both suddenly saw a pale figure in the corner of their eye, sat on a rock. He was dressed in white and black. His face was very pale, devoid of colour or even life.

Herberl and the Knight looked at each other in disbelief at the sight. How did they not see him before coming down? Herberl had many questions, but he knew it must be another undead creature here to fight them.

Herberl drew out his sword as the ghostly figure rose up from the rock.

Herberl: AWAY! Foul creature of evil! Leave us, or we will destroy you!

Mysterious Knight: Stand down Herberl, he’s not like any undead I’ve seen…Who are you, spirit?

Undead Spirit: Sir Knight, its been a long time since we last met…I didn’t expect to see you here again.

Mysterious Knight: What? Who are you!

Undead Spirit: My name is Galabran. You two are both correct, I am undead…but I was not consumed by evil unlike others. I was cursed, cursed by misuse of the Jewels. You, of all people, should know that, Sir Knight…

Galabran began to walk towards the Knight and Herberl, ignoring the pool which he simply walked over. Herberl gasped and dropped his sword. The spirit was walking on water right in front of him.

Herberl: What is going on, what is he talking about? What should we do…

Mysterious Knight: I think the best course of action is to stay calm and let him speak…

Galabran: Sir Knight, I recognize your face, but you don’t recognise mine? That is a pity, but expected. Things would be clearer if you did. No matter. I see now that your intentions are to return the Jewels to their rightful places…oh how I wish that would be done…

Herberl: We are to undo the evils that have been done to this world, aren’t we? So we want the same th---

Galabran: ---it is not just the Jewels causing evil…humanity is the culprit. How else can the Jewels cause evil without man trying to wield them? It is the war and evils of human nature that has brought this world, and me, into this decayed state.

Mysterious Knight: You speak of humanity like you are not part of it.

Galabran: Pah, I am no longer human. I am undead. Now I can see the flaws and errors of human nature clearly. We must act, and we do act.

Mysterious Knight: We?

Suddenly, out of the trees and rocks, several men dressed in green surrounded the Knight and Herberl. The Torran wilderness was famously littered with undead and bees, but also brigands.

Galabran: I am working with the brigands in these forests. We have a shared interest: To rid these lands of evil men, and so we continue our fight after all these years, and I continue after death. I hope you will understand, one day you will…

Galabran: I shall let you leave, Sir Knight, as you have changed a lot since the last time I saw you. Your intentions are now noble and good, however I fear you may fall into the service of evil if you are not careful.

The Knight paused for a moment, considering the spirit’s words.

Mysterious Knight: Thank you, Galabran. Might meet again on our travels.

Galabran: Oh, we will, Sir Knight, and you too, squire…safe travels to Liore.

Herberl and the Knight quietly ascended the cliff face's etched steps away from the clearing, they both had many questions that clouded their thoughts, but they remained silent. The two were not to make camp in that clearing tonight.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 18:51:25 by TableKnight »

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #2 on: June 21, 2019, 18:39:11 »
Herberl and the Knight walked a little further along the road until they came across a dingy cave where they decided to stay for the night. They built a small fire at its entrance and left the horses just outside. As the two sat under the shelter, Herberl thought it was a good opportunity to try and make sense of what was going on a couple of hours earlier.

Herberl: Aren’t you concerned about how that undead knew who you were? You’ve been awfully quiet about it…

Mysterious Knight: I would rather not think about it. But he did not know my name, so it doesn’t really mean anything.

Herberl wasn't convinced by his answer.

Herberl: Speaking of which, Sir Knight, I don’t know your name either…you’ve never told me. Is it a trust thing? It would be a bit odd if you spent all this time travelling around with an outlaw you didn’t even trust…

Mysterious Knight: It’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just…it’s better if you don’t know who I am. I don’t want you to ask any more questions on the matter.

Herberl was silent for a moment. He was getting nowhere with his questions...

Herberl: Galabran implied you were familiar with the Jewels…I feel like there’s something you’re not telling me about them.

Mysterious Knight: I know them, I have seen them with my own eyes. I have seen them being used by man. It’s not like I’ve read lots of books on them or heard many tales about them. I know their destructive capability, and why it is absolutely necessary that they are returned to their rightful places.

Herberl: You keep talking about their rightful place…but where is that? It’s all well and good just saying that but it doesn’t mean anything…

Mysterious Knight: When Hype found all the Jewels, they were all in Torras, so it seems to be Torras’ responsibility of guarding them. Since Hype’s reign, the Jewels were dispersed around the world and as a result it fell into chaos. We’ll have to return them here, where they belong.

Herberl: But Galabran said how men possessing the Jewels can cause evil…surely delivering them to---

Mysterious Knight: ---enough of this. We shall not discuss this any further. Tomorrow we will have to set off early, so I recommend we both get a long night of sleep.

Herberl was clearly annoyed at how his questions remained unanswered. He still didn’t know his masters name, and he was beginning to doubt the validity of their quest. He wondered if Galabran was really telling the truth about their actions and the nature of mankind, and if the spirit really stood for good or was just misleading them. But his master's apprehension to talking about the issue made Galabran seem more believable.

The two eventually went to sleep for the night. The Knight suffered a nightmare, one which he has experienced many times before, but he did not mention it to Herberl. It’s not my fault, he thought to himself, I couldn’t do anymore.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: June 21, 2019, 22:40:58 by TableKnight »

Offline tahra

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #3 on: June 21, 2019, 18:52:29 »
I am ashamed to say I do not know the story of Hype.. but... is the old guy Hype?

Great pics, and looking forward to more!  Thank you for sharing!

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #4 on: June 21, 2019, 22:31:37 »
I am ashamed to say I do not know the story of Hype..
Maybe I could do a prologue of some sort for Lost Kingdoms that summarises the life and legend of Hype  :!: that could be interesting

but... is the old guy Hype?
All will be revealed soon, you'll just have to wait ;D

Great pics, and looking forward to more!  Thank you for sharing!
Thank you very much ! Lots more to come !!!  :)

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #5 on: June 22, 2019, 18:48:20 »
After a few more days of travelling, Herberl and the Knight were nearing the border with Liore. Herberl, despite his efforts, was not able to get any answers from the Knight. He knew something was being hidden from him. The road seemingly stopped in front of them, blocked by trees and a large tree stump.

Mysterious Knight: Odd...the North Road is normally kept clear…

Suddenly, out of the trees came soldiers brandishing bows and swords.

Soldier 1: Oi! You two! Surrender yourselves now, your trespassing!

Herberl threw up his arms, he did not want to pick a fight.

Mysterious Knight: Herberl you idiot, those are Tor---

Soldier 2: Shut up old man! Well then, what are two foreign knights doing up this way, eh?

Herberl: Well we’re on a---

Soldier 1: Be quiet! Right, you two are coming with us!

More soldiers appeared and led Herberl, the Knight, and their horses, deeper into the forest, and away from the road. Herberl thought how this could be the end of their adventure, and they didn’t even make it that far.

The soldiers brought the two into a clearing beside a mountain where there was a military camp. Before them stood a ring of soldiers and knights.

Soldier 1: Your highness, we’ve captured two foreign knights loitering near our camp. What do you want us to do to them?

The man near the mountainside turned around, revealing himself to be none other than the King of Torras, Atteir I. He looked at the two for a few long seconds, particularly the Knight. This was the first time Herberl had ever been in the presence of royalty, and he didn’t quite know what to think or do.

The Knight whispered to Herberl

Mysterious Knight: Bow!

The two bowed in front of the King, as is customary. King Atteir raised then his arm as he realised who the Knight was.

King Atteir: Ah! Good to see you, old friend! It’s been a while!

Mysterious Knight: My lord, the pleasure is mine.

King Atteir: I’ve been told that my Steward approved your quest to find and return the Jewels! Very good, I’ve been wanting that to happen for a while now, but now seems to be the best time. And I can see that you’ve got a companion travelling with you too! Never thought I’d see the day, Volric going on a quest with somebody other than me!

Mysterious Knight/Sir Volric: Herberl has been of great service recently, though adventuring has never been greater than by your side.

Herberl was shocked. Volric. Sir Volric! He had heard that name before…the Massacre of Eulania, the Pacification of Chivais. Sir Volric was one of the most notorious knights in King Atteir’s retinue, and Herberl was following his lead. Surely, Herberl thought, that it was a different ‘Sir Volric’…surely…

King Atteir: Of course! Now, let us speak privately of these matters. I’m sure we’ll have lots to talk about!

The King turned to his retinue.

King Atteir: Excuse us for a moment.

The King’s soldiers and most of his party left, leaving the King to lead Herberl and the Knight to the mountainside to speak.

The King made sure that no-one could hear them, besides his trusted guards protecting them.

King Atteir: Now that we’re alone, how goes the search for the Jewels?

Sir Volric: I believe that one can be found in Liore, hence why we’re travelling up the North Road to there.

King Atteir: Splendid. Makes sense that the Jewels have corrupted that realm, turning it into the decrepit and pitiful state it’s in. Apparently the Lioran lords are losing faith in King Lothair, and my advisors say this could turn to war…I’d watch out for that on your quest!

Sir Volric: That doesn’t surprise me, Lothair was never a strong king. Though I must ask, why are you and your army camped out in northern Torras?

King Atteir: Oh, we’re here to deal with those damn brigands! Not the first time we’ve had to come to Chivais is it aha! It seems we destroy their lands and homes, kill their lords, but they keep coming back time and time again! Though I must admit, it’s great to be campaigning again. I remember when we were young and strong, fighting alongside each other in every campaign, those were the days! Oh, how I wish to relive those glorious battles!

Sir Volric: I don’t really think about those campaigns anymore; it was a long time ago, and a lot has changed.

King Atteir: Nonsense!

The King turned towards Herberl.

King Atteir: Did Volric ever tell you about the Battle of Millwater where he cleaved a man in two! Or the Battle of Gustan Hill where he was the sole survivor of a tremendous cavalry charge! Such amazing tales, you’ve got a lot of great stories to listen to!

The King didn’t even give Herberl a chance to speak. He could hardly believe what he was hearing.

King Atteir: We’ve also been up here looking for my Grandfather’s tomb, I must find what is rightfully mine. Truth be told, we don’t even know if its in Chivais, let alone in Torras! Hype was already too secretive in life, who would have thought that his own grave would be a secret too!

Sir Volric: I’m sure you will find it eventually, my friend. Nothing can evade you for long.

King Atteir: Quite right!

The King turned towards Herberl again, this time his expression was more serious.

King Atteir: Now, I’ll have to ask you Her…Herbal---

Sir Volric: ---Herberl

King Atteir: Yes, yes, Herberl, I’ll have to ask you to leave me and Volric for a while, we need to speak privately.

Herberl left the King and his master alone. He could barely take in what he heard. His master was the King’s former champion, one who has committed some of the most awful deeds in Atteir’s name. No wonder he didn’t want him to know…Herberl wondered about what else Volric was hiding from him, it was clear the man he thought he knew was a fabrication.

Herberl stood by himself away from the King and Volric, but was soon joined by Sir Pargeir, the King’s nephew.

Sir Pargeir: So you must be Sir Volric’s squire? I’ll tell you, you’re in the service of one of the most skilled knights in all of Torras. I swear that man must get better with age… I first fought alongside him in the war against Argast, he was the most feared knight on the battlefield! He must have told you of those days! I would have loved to have been his squire, like you.

Herberl: I’m not quite his squire…and he never talked about his past, I can’t say I know this ‘Sir Volric’ very well…

Sir Forlas: Volric being humble! Aha! Then he has changed!

Sir Forlas, a rather rotund knight of the King’s retinue, waddled alongside Herberl.

Sir Forlas: Oh, I remember when we used to drink and drink after every battle, exchanging the details of each kill and every hair-raising moment! Aha! A true champion of the King!

Sir Pargeir: That man has hundreds of stories, I bet.

Sir Forlas: Of course! Though it is a pity I’ve missed out on them for so many years. Ever since he left the King’s army and went travelling or something hardly anyone heard a peep from him. Must have been where he picked you up then aha!

The King and Sir Volric finished their private talk and began to walk towards Herberl and the knights. When Herberl looked at Volric, he felt as though he was looking into the eyes of a different man.

Sir Forlas: Volric my good man! It’s been a long time! I look forward to all your tales by the fire again!

Sir Volric: Forlas! It’s been many years! Many things have changed in that time, many things to tell. I haven’t joined the campaign, I’m afraid, as I already have a quest I must continue at haste.

King Atteir: Yes, yes, I’ve entrusted Volric with one of the most important missions for the wellbeing of the realm, and I’m sure there’s no better man for the job!

Herberl: And when do we continue, Sir Volric…

Volric sighed when Herberl called him by his name. He looked almost disappointed that he knew the truth.

Sir Volric: We’ll stay here for the night, then we must leave for the border.

Herberl hated staying the night in the King’s camp. While the food and drink were better than anything he’s had before, he couldn’t help but think of all the terrible things that had been done by the knights and soldiers at the orders of the King. Was Galabran right? Was King of these lands, mankind, and even his own master, behind the evils of this world?

To be continued...
« Last Edit: June 23, 2019, 13:15:41 by TableKnight »

Offline tahra

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #6 on: June 23, 2019, 16:06:36 »
Maybe I could do a prologue of some sort for Lost Kingdoms that summarises the life and legend of Hype  :!: that could be interesting

YAY!  ;D

All will be revealed soon, you'll just have to wait ;D

His grandfather?! :o

Keep it coming  :love:

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #7 on: June 24, 2019, 19:10:36 »
Herberl and Sir Volric left early the following morning. They continued to ride along the North Road, now deep into the mountainous and largely unkempt region of Chivais. Herberl thought about Volric’s past, and how he campaigned and butchered the people of these lands in his prime. Is that why he knew of Galabran’s clearing? That explains why Galabran knew Volric, Herberl thought.

Finally, Herberl grew tired of their silent travelling. He would make sure he got the answers he wanted.

Herberl: Sir Knight…Volric…. I thought you were a good man. You took me under your wing when I was at my most vulnerable, you helped me in my time of need. But all that time you were actually one of the worst men in the kingdom. Did you only help me as some kind of penance? Do you think that act of kindness will save you? You say you want to return the Jewels to Torras…but you actually mean to the King, don’t you? Galabran said that the Jewels in the hands of men will only bring evil, do you think them in the hands of Atteir is no different? This quest is a sham…

Sir Volric: Herberl…I left that life many, many years ago…and no, I don’t think helping you, or helping mankind or whatever will ‘save me’…I’m beyond saving…I have to do this because it’s the right thing to do. And you must remember that when I found you, you were nothing but an outlaw, need I remind you what you were an outlaw for? I didn’t have to help you at all, but I did, same goes with this quest. I know what I’m doing. Torras is the home of the Jewels, where else? Go on, where else? The Jewels will go back to Torras and its custodian, King Atteir. He is my friend; he won’t use them again.

Volric continued to lead Herberl across the road in silence. At times it became little more than a path straddling the mountainside.

Herberl began to think more and more about their conversation with the King, with Galabran, and what Volric just said. He began to think everything was linked. Herberl knew he must convince his master not to play into the hands of the king, even though Volric thought it was the right thing to do.

They reached a small rickety bridge over a river, and Volric insisted on going first to test its strength.

Sir Volric: It’s strong enough Herberl, come along and bring the horses.

Herberl began to walk across the bridge. He didn’t like the look of it, but there was no other way across. He could see at the bottom of the valley the remnants of an old stone bridge that used to cross it. The days where it connected the two sides were long gone.

Herberl: Sir Volric, why is the King looking for Hype’s tomb…he said something about finding something there.

Sir Volric: Atteir’s looking for artifacts, ones that he thinks are his birthright. Namely the Sword of Peace, and the Mythical Armour. If you’ve heard the tale of Hype, you’d know what they are. They are incredibly powerful, capable of harnessing th---

Volric stopped himself for a minute, his mind was deep in thought. He had come to understand Atteir’s plan. He kept on walking across the bridge, and Herberl had no choice but to follow him.

As they descended the mountainside, Volric contemplated what his friend, the King, would do with this power. When he and Herberl deliver the Jewels to him, and Atteir inevitably finds the Sword of Peace and the Mythical Armour, he would be unstoppable. Atteir’s ramblings of expanding Torras’ borders and creating an empire may come to fruition. Volric began to have a horrible feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Days had gone by since their meeting with the King. Volric and Herberl neared the edge of this mountain before they would need to make another descent. The North Road at this point had hardly anything to it, the constant war in Chivais likely had something to do with it.

Sir Volric: There, you can see the Border Bridge from up here, we're only about half a day away. That crosses the River Saon, the border between Torras and Liore. From there you can make your way into Liore, and search for one of the Jewels…

Herberl: Wait…Volric, you’re coming too? Aren’t you?

Sir Volric: I wanted to…and I  think you would have benefited from my help. But I can’t go now. I have to go elsewhere for my part in this quest.

Herberl: Elsewhere? What? What are you talking about?

Sir Volric: Herberl…I think you were right. I need to stay in Torras to stop the King from getting Hype’s artifacts and to find the true home of the Jewels. I trust you to find them. You’re the first good man I’ve come to know in my new life, I believe you can do it, or you will soon be able to.

Herberl: Volric…

Sir Volric: Don’t worry, I'll explain it all to you on the way down…we’ll fix this world soon enough.

To be continued...
« Last Edit: June 24, 2019, 20:36:03 by TableKnight »

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #8 on: June 24, 2019, 19:35:40 »
Uhm.. did we "see" them meet each other?

I am afraid my mind isn't what it used to be.. and I just don't remember :-[   (it's annoying, irritating, and sometimes shameful, actually)

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Re: Lost Kingdoms: Chapter I
« Reply #9 on: June 24, 2019, 20:48:11 »
Uhm.. did we "see" them meet each other?

Do you mean Herberl and the Sir Volric/Mysterious Knight's meeting with King Atteir? If so, that happened in Part 4 (the one posted on June 22  :)

Don't worry about it  :) I hope this story is making sense/enjoyable  :crossed: ;)