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News / Re: Müller Black Knight exclusive
« Last post by tahra on Today at 09:05:24 »
I have one unopened knight (from eBay) but am expecting another 5 from a European friend, which will be opened. I doubt if I get lucky, but hope prevails. <whistles Willie Wonka tune>

All from Muller? I bought one. Because.  Of course it was the normal one.
News / Re: Müller Black Knight exclusive
« Last post by JLMatterer on July 26, 2024, 23:00:46 »
I have one unopened knight (from eBay) but am expecting another 5 from a European friend, which will be opened. I doubt if I get lucky, but hope prevails. <whistles Willie Wonka tune>
News / Re: Müller Black Knight exclusive
« Last post by Rhalius on July 26, 2024, 17:50:28 »
The knight of house Muller's loyalty does not come cheap.  :lol:
News / Re: Müller Black Knight exclusive
« Last post by Ismene on July 26, 2024, 11:27:14 »
That's one $$$ klicky!
News / Re: Playmobil in the News
« Last post by JLMatterer on July 26, 2024, 02:45:49 »

News / Re: Vespa Sets
« Last post by Rasputin on July 25, 2024, 20:55:27 »
Awesome, thanks for the heads up

Now for a sale and it’ll be shopping  time
News / Re: Vespa Sets
« Last post by pingo on July 25, 2024, 20:06:59 »
Wow, those are very well designed. They catch the Vespa look just enough

3 colors, nice accessorized garage/shop

The color choices will allow lots of them to be used in city dioramas and not look too repetitive

Good job Playmobil

Now distribute them world wide

To you Rasputin

And more  :camera:
Customs Gallery / Re: Some of my customised buildings in my city
« Last post by breadmobil on July 25, 2024, 19:08:37 »
Great town, do you have the Ghostbusters building?

thanks! no i don’t actually, I have thought about it as I like the brickwork
News / Re: Müller Black Knight exclusive
« Last post by TableKnight on July 25, 2024, 07:40:13 »
That truly is an insane price   :o

I would be interested later on to see the exact stats behind its commonality, but €306 is mad!
News / Re: Müller Black Knight exclusive
« Last post by Rasputin on July 24, 2024, 22:45:33 »
What the heck

That’s crazy for one promo knight

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