General > Brainstorming For Playmobil

Orchestra and Marching Band

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Okay so since Playmobil has gotten into the Composers scene (Mozart and Bach) I feel like they need to create an orchestra set.  They already have several of the components needed.  And then while they are at it, make a marching band (bonus if they have a kids sized one)

I want to see  French horns, and real flutes, an Oboe, the different drums.

Then of course drums (including quad sets, the snare drums, and a beautiful bass drum) for the marching band, trombones, and Tubas (the big tubas, Sousaphone Tubas- not the one they’ve already done, but we will need more of them).  And let’s not forget the snazzy uniforms!  I can see myself buying at least 2 or 3 of these sets. And the Victorian lovers would be in heaven. So would the Circus lovers...  it’s a slam dunk

+ 1

Absolutely! They certainly have enough instrument models to do so.


--- Quote from: leefert on November 22, 2019, 09:56:29 ---it’s a slam dunk

--- End quote ---

.... the HORROR! Money. Yuck.

I think that's a great idea! Some of the figures might need bent arms in order to hold their instruments in a realistic playing position- French Horn and Flute especially.


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