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Merry Christmas!

Wonder how many Playmofriends remember Sylvia's Christmas Story from ten years ago?

For those of you who have never seen Sylvia's wonderful Christmas Story (or for those of you who want to see it again) click HERE!

A Merry Christmas to Everyone!

And, all the best,

Ten years!!  I didn't realise it was that long ago. :o

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Richard! :candle: :xgift: :sparkle:

Wow well it's the first time I've seen it great work on the scenery and story the exterior looks really good as well with the taped up windows. I'm really liking the baubles and the little old fashioned radio plus the Beano comic and those uniforms look great particularly the Dad's uniform and the Nanny look very good and the detail on that spiffy's suit with the white tipped shoes. Thanks for sharing that and Seasons Greetings to you all  :cracker: :xholly: <*) :elf: :snowman: :rudy: :sox: :sparkle: :xtree: :xgift: :flake: :deco:   


--- Quote from: Sylvia on December 20, 2013, 19:23:10 ---Ten years!!  I didn't realise it was that long ago. :o

Merry Christmas to you and your family, Richard! :candle: :xgift: :sparkle:

--- End quote ---

Yes, it is incredible, Sylvia! But, it was 2003 when you wrote the first chapter of this beautiful story! The following Christmas (2004), you wrote the amazing conclusion.

Even though Playmofriends is now a lot bigger that it was ten years ago, many of our original members appear to have gone and maybe found other interests. It seems to be this time of the year when we remember and miss them. And, perhaps feel a little sad that they're no longer here. However, lots a wonderful Playmobil fans and collectors have joined Playmofriends during the past ten years and have helped to make Playmofriends the really great forum that it is today!

Thank you and a very Merry Christmas to you and your family, Sylvia,


--- Quote from: DrDalek6 on December 20, 2013, 21:04:20 ---Wow well it's the first time I've seen it great work on the scenery and story the exterior looks really good as well with the taped up windows. I'm really liking the baubles and the little old fashioned radio plus the Beano comic and those uniforms look great particularly the Dad's uniform and the Nanny look very good and the detail on that spiffy's suit with the white tipped shoes. Thanks for sharing that and Seasons Greetings to you all  :cracker: :xholly: <*) :elf: :snowman: :rudy: :sox: :sparkle: :xtree: :xgift: :flake: :deco:

--- End quote ---

Thanks, Scott!
Sylvia's attention to detail is awesome! Her Christmas Story is so perfect. It's historically accurate and captures the feelings of the time. I may be the only one here at Playmofriends who still remembers 1943. And, even though I was just a young boy at the time, I can tell you ... Sylvia's story is spot on.
Glad you enjoyed it and Season's Greetings,


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