General > Trains!
Train tables and layouts (with pics!)
Hello, all you train enthusiasts ...
I was going to ask if we should also include LGB, but I see that Sylvia was once again two steps ahead of me ... ;)
How many of you actually have train layouts?
How many of you have Playmobil's original electric trains?
Here's a photo of my old layout. We have since sold the house and moved.
(It was a Bavarian village at Christmas with a tunnel at the rear creating a hill for houses.)
This is a photo of my new train table (6'X18') at our newly renovated home on Vancouver Island awaiting my arrival in the Spring ... :)
WOW! ... That's a BIG picture!
Sorry ... :-[
I also want to build a garden railroad at our Canadian home.
I really like LGB's wireless Multi Train System.
So much to talk about and so much to share.
All the best,
Nice of you to include a lifesize picture Richard. :D
So far I have one engine that just arrived, 9 passenger cars I got from Playmo online since they are so cheap (many to become customs), and my recent auction win that shipped out on Friday.
I used to model HO scale and still have most of my stuff up in the attic.
Perhaps a friendly mod could move my train show thread to this forum?
--- Quote from: Tiermann on December 11, 2005, 00:29:40 ---Nice of you to include a lifesize picture Richard. :D
--- End quote ---
That was a bit too much (even for me) ... :lol:
(I reduced it to a more manageable size.)
--- Quote from: Tiermann on December 11, 2005, 00:29:40 ---Perhaps a friendly mod could move my train show thread to this forum?
--- End quote ---
I'll bet that they could...
All the best,
Richard ~ How wide is that train table? Is that for G-scale?
--- Quote from: Serenity on December 11, 2005, 01:20:10 ---Richard ~ How wide is that train table? Is that for G-scale?
--- End quote ---
Yes, "Mal" ... ;) It's G-scale for Playmobil/LGB trains. And, the table is six feet wide by eighteen feet long.
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