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List of Playmobil fantasy creatures and races
Hi all :wave: As I am building up my collection in preparation for continuing a revamped Lost Kingdoms photostory, I wanted to try and put together a list of fantastical creatures and races which GB have released. I doubt this will be a complete list, but if any of you have ideas or see any I am forgetting please add to the list ;D
Also, please excuse my use of images from the web, I don't have a lot of these just yet but I will be providing the links to where I have sourced the images :)
CentaurExample: 71235So far the Centaur only appears in the Ayuma range, but now that the mould has been created there presumably can be more Centaurs in the future, and to be honest I am suprised they haven't used it in the Greek Mythology theme :-[. The one in set 71235 also has wings, but future centaurs don't need these.
CyclopsExample: 70470Though disapointingly just a re-coloured Troll with a strange eye printing, it's interesting that we got it in the Odysseus set. There have been customs that do look a bit more in line with their traditional appearance.
DragonExample: 3840Dragons appear so often, from very small ones to huge ones, and I am not complaining! The How to Train your Dragon theme also introduced a lot of unique moulds which is nice, but I always go back to the Green Dragon of the 90s which, to me at least, is the archetypal Playmobil Dragon ;D
"Dragonling"Example: 9332v10There were quite a few of these "Dragonlings" in the Dragonland range, as well as in the some of the F?gures packs. I am not 100% sure if they are meant to be humans with some kind of winged armour, if they have been enhanced, or if they are supposed to be "Dragonlings", but I suppose they can be any of the three if you wanted ;D
DwarfExample: 6588Who doesn't love the Dwarf figures ;D We were lucky enough to get a mini range of Dwarf sets during the Knights theme a few years back, and we also have been getting consistant Dwarf klickies each F?gures series too, so there is plenty of Dwarf legs for customs and whatnot :D
Elf (North Pole)Example: 5987The traditional Christmas Elf appears in a lot of Christmas sets, and its good seeing their appearance in some holiday-themed dioramas here on Playmofriends ;D As far as I am aware there are no Tolkein-esque elves in klicky form.
FairyExample: 9438There's quite a lot of Playmobil Fairies out there, from the Magic theme to the dedicated Fairy and Ayuma themes! It seems in the Playmo-fantasy world, there are a lot of Fae and plenty of magic too!
FaunExample: 70815I was quite surprised when I found out that there were Playmobil Fauns, but I think that the mould opens up a lot of opportunities! It seems that these klickies are keen archers, and we'll have to wait and see if they ever make a re-appearance aside from their Playmo-Friends set.
GenieExample: 1005Genies appear in quite a few forms across Playmobil, from the more whispy cloud-like form, to fully human-like. It's interesting tracking their appearances, and its good to get beings from folklore from outside of Europe.
"Giant"Example: 6694I'm not entirely sure if you would call the Black Colossus from Super 4 a "Giant", and I don't know the context of the character either, but the unique mould certainly looks like it could be used as one. In a way I am actually a bit disappointed that we haven't seen the mould be used for any other sets :(
GnomeExample: 4950-gerA favourite of mine, the klicky Gnomes are great in many ways. I do find it funny that they use the children bodies with a beard attachment...but the thing is that it just works so well :lol:
GoblinExample: 3898The klicky Goblin doesn't match with our usual image of the fantasy creature, especially as it is essentially from the line of Gnomes, but maybe these guys are the more mischievous tree stump-living cousins to the Gnomes 8}
Green Man/Forest Ghost
Example: 3933I really like the "Forest Ghost" set and really would like to get one :-[, chiefly because the eponymous figure really fits the "Green Man" of folklore. I could be wrong, but I don't think we've had any more sets with this figure, but I would really like to see it again!
MermaidExample: 70082Much like with the Fairies, we have had a lot of appearances from the Mermaids in Playmobil sets. There has been a lot of creativity with them, and I have seen some great underwater kingdom dioramas and customs on the web :)
OgreExample: 9409I have seen this figure from Super 4 be labeled as a Troll online, but in a few places people have called it an Ogre, so I will do the same :lol: It does look a bit strange, and I am not sure if it would really fit in with other sets if you were to make a fantasy diorama, but each to their own :-\
OrcExample: 70565v6Also called a Zombie Knight apparently, but I think that this looks more like an Orc than anything else! Though they haven't been released in any other way aside from F?gures, I have seen people still make armies out of them 8}
Rabbit PersonExample: 4451A staple of the Easter sets, the Rabbit People are a bit of an oddity but can definitely be used if you want to emulate those medieval manuscripts with hares roaming round the countryside robbing people :lol:
Snake PersonExample: 70859Another one from Playmo-Friends, this mould could be used quite widely if you want to have a mysterious snake-like character. I have also seen people make custom Medusa figures using 70859 as a base!
Tree PersonExample: 70243v4I find this one really interesting, as though it's not quite like an Ent, or even the Green Man we have seen earlier, the 'Tree Fairy' really stands out. I would like to see more of this kind of figure in other Magic sets...but maybe still make an Ent, okay GB ;)
TrollExample: 9343I am a big fan of the Troll mould, and I am glad that we got quite a few variations in colour and accessories! I do hope for a return of these imposing creatures, or at least a few more types such as a Cave Troll 8}
VampireExample: 5239Though Vampires are essentially just pale klickies, they are always fun to see. Especially when they are very bat-like! A personal favourite of mine is that Vampire Queen F?gure which I would like to include in my project :D
YetiExample: 9473Last but not least is the Yeti ;D Now this is a variation of the Troll mould which I think works incredibly well (take notes Cyclops!), and I think it is interesting that it is also far more peaceable compared to their reputation :lol: Nevertheless, the Yeti is a very cool addition to Playmobil's fantasy creature roster!
Again if there's any I have left out do help expand the list ;D
Great idea for a thread!
What's not on there that I can think of would be ghosts, like the iconic one from the 80's with his ball and chain.
Also ghost pirates, the sea hydra kind of creature, the loch Ness monster from the Vikings, skeletons and I am pretty sure there has been a scarecrow too at some point.
Good thread!
Tierman's Animobil site has a nice mythical section
It includes things like pegasi, unicorns, fire horses , a phoenix, sea monsters....
And of course, dragons and wyverns.
I, having read too much D&D nonsense, would distinguish these guys from dragons, and give them the name "dragonborn", or draconians, if you want to go old school. Those are defined as large humanoids with dragon ancestors. I think in RPGs dragonborn usually wear clothes... maybe helmets count....
Novelmore gave us a fire elemental, in set 70227
And also a few demons in the Violet Vale sub- brand. Notably in set 70746.
Skeletal warriors and liches in the Novelmore line too....
Back to humanoids, we also got a werewolf, lots of zombies, and a few reapers.
We have a frost giant in fi?ures.
Also, several elves, arguably.
Is she a drayd? She is at my house..
Do witches, wizards, and other humans with fantastical occupations count as fantastical creatures, TK?
I think this is also some sort of elemental (evil mist/fog).
This is a great topic, TableKnight, but there are going to be a lot of suggestions for additional categories!
I would say the one you listed as Dragonling is a sub-type of fairies. Similar wings to the Bat Fairies from Ayuma.
The Tree Person legs are originally from the Stone Guardians in 4842 plus in 4848 and 4849, and also was used in Figures 14 as the Frost Giant mentioned by Doug
Gargoyle from Figures 21
Devils like in 4561 etc? And following on Angels? Dare I say - Santa Claus?
There were also the ice and fire demons from 6831 and the related sets.
This is an interesting topic. I bounce up against it all the time when deciding what makes it into Animobil.
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