Author Topic: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)  (Read 16818 times)

Offline Little Jo

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More or less spontaneous I decided some weeks ago to visit the Playmobil Convention in Wolfsburg. I've never been before to such an event so I was a little bit excited, how it will be. As "prepartion" I looked at several pictures from the previous' year Convention and other quite similiar events (like e.g. in Ritterhude).
Unfortunately Wolfsburg is in the north of Germany and I live in the South -- inbetween approx. 600 kilometers distance (I know, for US fellows this isn't a distance at all, but here in Europe it is  ;D). So I stood up quite early on this Sunday morning and made my way via the Autobahn. The highway was rather empty in these early morning hours so I made good progress and arrived nearly in time (cf. pic below; opening was at 10 a.m.).

The Convetion is a mixture of coming together of Playmobil enthusiastics, exhibition (of dioramas), and trading/selling event of used and new parts/sets. W.r.t. the later aspect I was lucky and found some really nice pieces for very fair prices. Thank You to all those offering these items!  (I found some piece for those I was looking quite a while  :D)

Looking at those large boxes containing those many unsorted pieces (sometimes that many of same kind), I realized that there a many people out there that are more enthusiastic and more addicted to Playmobil than myself (which helped me alot after coming home and showing the photos to my wife who often shakes her head about my Playmobil favour  ;D).

The dioramas presented were absolutely fantastic, so I want to share some my favourite ones here with you -- showing all of them would for sure go beyound the scope of this forum; I made round about 100 photos, all together more than 250 MB in size.

(BTW, currently the German board members are setting up a DVD with pictures from the convention; who wants to know who set up which diaroma can get some information in this thread (in German only).

(To be continue ... so please hold on, untill I posted all pictures)

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #1 on: April 18, 2006, 11:49:43 »
On of the highlights was for sure the military theme (built from the German board members Promondeo, Mark_01, and The_sumo).

Offline Little Jo

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #2 on: April 18, 2006, 11:52:19 »
Some dioramas contained really beautifull details like here the church windows.

My fully respect to this work.

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #3 on: April 18, 2006, 11:59:36 »
This battleship -- the Dolphin -- from MacGayver is a really masterpiece (very detailed and realistic the rigging).
Within the showcase below the artist presented the development of the four-master by a slideshow.

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #4 on: April 18, 2006, 12:09:45 »
Also very impressive the Western themes, like the drovers/ cattle wagons, the defensive circle of wagons (both by Playmo_Jürgen), and the "Battle of Bull Run/Manassas" diorama (if I understood correctly from Funky, Klikikoenig, Mr_fott, Teufelhauptmann, and cooster67).

Offline Little Jo

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #5 on: April 18, 2006, 12:16:58 »
For sure, the ancient times also has been displayed. If got my information right, the big medieval landscape (and castle) is from Hannibal; for the other displays I do not have any names  :(

(I really would like to get my hands on some of these white mices, so I do not have to customize them ...)

Offline Little Jo

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #6 on: April 18, 2006, 12:25:21 »
Burbil provided some really beautiful, very detailed, and amusing scenarios from the antiquity (just a selection shown below); my favourite one: Asterix & Obelix fighting the romans (really superb, I must say)!

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #7 on: April 18, 2006, 12:31:51 »
Zenobia die Blutfürstin & Ladioss displayed some really well worked-out and atmospheric masterpieces: a space station, a vampire villa with tomb,  a ghost ship, and a ice palace (only detail showed on photo).

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #8 on: April 18, 2006, 12:41:54 »
Also modern themes has been displayed  :D
e.g. a huge DIY store/garden center (by Playmo-Family), a city life scenario with the new ambulance car (artist unknown to me), a really current-event scenario (fighting the high water by Flori), and the decontamination tent with the fabulous idea of undressing the suit and the unwearn suit (I also assume by Flori).

Offline Little Jo

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Re: Impressions from Playmobil Convention 2006 in Wolfsburg (Germany)
« Reply #9 on: April 18, 2006, 12:48:59 »
Finally two pictures of the exhibition area.

And I have to say sorry to all those artists those work I didn't showed here  :( :-[
Not showing them isn't a sign of having a low priority of their work. Actually there has been dioramas which I really adore, but when back home I realized that I didn't make a photo of them (sometime 'cause there has been so many spectators in front of them that I wasn't able to make a good shot), or the photo has some flaws (unsharp, moving in people, etc.)