I struggle to call what I have so far much of a "collection" but..

These are some old photos from 2015 of my then very small collection of klickys.
My collection at that point mostly consisted of random figures, a few buildings (3771, 3230s2 & 4455), a couple of the micro sets (pirate ship & ark) & random furniture pieces (purchased for non-Playmobil projects). As you can see there wasn't much rhyme or reason to it all.
It has grown significantly since then - I had less than 50 figures in 2015 & soon I'll have more than 200. I've had some of the bunnys for a while (from buying the bunny school set) & decided I wanted to collect all of them (I just have one more to find now), & most of my newer additions are either the classic early figures, random kids I like, & modern women.
Back in 2015 my collection of lady klickys was limited to random figures that I'd got with sets I'd bought & they were figures I'd ended up with more than ones I really loved (unlike the guys), which I felt quite sad about, & more recently I've been working on rectifying that.
My original collection started in the late 90's/early 2000's - mostly special sets: 3067, 3823, 4194, 4562, 4569, 4572, 4603, 4610, 4617, 4620, & 4999. I think 3823 & 4999 might have been the first I ever bought (mid 90's?)
I'd love to add newer photos soon, but I currently have an injury which means taking photos is very difficult to impossible. I'm looking forward to when I can take photos properly again & share some more recent photos of my "collection"