OK, bags opened, sets sorted, invoices sent. They were even cases this time, though there were a couple of odd anomalies. One of the Leaf Blower guys had the leaf blower tube melted into the top of the bag as it was sealed, I will hold that one for my second set and get a replacement on the blower. I also had the strangest thing I've seen sorting sets in 10 series. One of the green Hunter figures had an extra heavy bag and when I opened it there was a complete extra set of figure parts in the bag. Somehow it got two full figures bagged into one bag. I will keep the extra for my second set as well
very useful for my Christmas diorama with those colors and that hat style.
I have one set of Girls and two full sets of Boys/Girls still available if anyone is interested in getting in on them this time around. No problem if not, I can find uses for some of the figs if I want to break the sets up I am sure.