Author Topic: Kirkbean 2015 - After the Flood  (Read 13287 times)

Offline macgayver

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Re: Kirkbean 2015 - After the Flood
« Reply #10 on: August 20, 2015, 01:20:15 »
Hi Elaine

Congratz on your displays at Kirkbean

It is allways nice to read you keep having this exposition

As we are running expositions for almost ten years

I know the work and preparations behind

Keep up the good work

All the best


One picture say's more then a thousand words ;)

Offline peetje

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Re: Kirkbean 2015 - After the Flood
« Reply #11 on: August 30, 2015, 15:48:24 »
Nice work Elaine,

I like to see the animals.
You did a great job.

Greets Peter
Love animals.

Offline Klickteryx

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Re: Kirkbean 2015 - After the Flood
« Reply #12 on: October 13, 2015, 01:57:04 »
It's a really great diorama.

I'm just imagining what the whales looked like as they left the ark and worked their way down the mountain. ;D

Also, given the large number of carnivores, what do you suppose they ate as lions etc don't fish from the seas. I suspect many of the animals went two by two into other animals stomachs.

Offline GrahamB

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Re: Kirkbean 2015 - After the Flood
« Reply #13 on: October 13, 2015, 12:12:55 »
Like Klickteryx, I am late to comment, but what a fantastic dio, Elaine. I love the way you built that mountain from natural materials, expanding foam filler and PM! Noah was very wise to release the larger carnivores after the other animals had chance to find safe places to live, though the pigs didn't get very far.

There are so many lovely PM animals now. When we built the children a wooden ark a few years ago and populated it with PM animals, we managed about 35 species, so your figure of 141 is well impressive!

It's a great theme, though Noah's Ark sets on eBay don't seem all that popular. I bet they would be more so if they had 141 species!

We should move to south Scotland so we could enjoy The Kirkbean Experience every year and help set up and run it. If England doesn't get devolution soon, this could be a serious prospect!
At that moment the ship suddenly stopped rocking and swaying, the engine pitch settled down to a gentle hum. 'Hey Ford.' said Zaphod, 'that sounds good. Have you worked out the controls on this boat?' 'No,' said Ford, 'I just stopped fiddling with them.' (With thanks to Douglas Adams)

Offline Basie10

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Re: Kirkbean 2015 - After the Flood
« Reply #14 on: May 18, 2016, 07:28:32 »
Great work - love the detail and positioning of the characters.