Author Topic: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?  (Read 6510 times)

Offline Rhalius

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What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« on: September 26, 2017, 22:18:10 »
Seeing how they are already phasing out the last pirate batch, I can only assume they have plans to release a new batch in the near future.
Unless they think pirates do not sell anymore these days, which would likely have more to do with the terrible quality of the last batch compared to the one that came before it.

That one was very strong I feel, with the island, the coins, the proper soldier's fort, redcoats and a very beautifull pirate ship. I have everything of that batch save for the island, and thats only because of storage difficulties.

I think that they should again go with kind of a theme within the theme to really have an adventure going. The current batch is just random stuff and aside from a few nice new parts, everything it did, earlier batches did better.
Every single pirate ship before it was better just for having a cabin and lots more accesoires, all pirate islands had more going for it than two very little indoor areas that can't even be build in other ways, the light house is a smaller and aesthetically less pleasing version of the proper one from before and by far the worst soldiers building they ever released, including a toolshed they had once (which could at least be combined with other toolsheds to make a fort.

Anyways, the current batch will be old business soon, so let's talk about what they could do with the new one!

As I said, a theme within the theme to have a bit of focus would do well. It worked for the coins.

This time, pirates could be on the defensive.

The largest set could be a pirate island formed in a U shape, a smuggler's bay.
There could be palm trees, a wooden hut, some wooden beach fortifications where cannons can be placed and there could be a hill that can be opened, allowing pirates to bury their treasure there. The hut could have a trapdoor as well, to either put prisoners, treasure or weapons.

The pirate ship could be smaller this time, the size of the schooner.

The soldier's ship could be the size of the usual pirate ships for once, bigger would be better but I doubt they would ever do that.
But they could make the design a bit different with the deck being lower and not having a cargo hold. Instead it could have room for four cannons (two on each side) and could come with two cannons. And in the front there could be a small prison. At the back under the captain's room there could be a place to store a treasure chest.
Aside from a captain, there could be one soldier with it and two sailors, dressed in the same colors but less formal.

Some additional soldier sets could be a set of three soldiers with a cannon, and an officer with a cannon and some maps.

And for the pirates there could also be a rowboat with a small sail and two pirates, and a small island with a little cave that has just enough room for a single clicky to have shelter, or to use as a storage room. Could be combined well with the larger island.

Offline The_Mad_Hadder

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2017, 23:27:55 »

The largest set could be a pirate island formed in a U shape, a smuggler's bay.
There could be palm trees, a wooden hut, some wooden beach fortifications where cannons can be placed and there could be a hill that can be opened, allowing pirates to bury their treasure there. The hut could have a trapdoor as well, to either put prisoners, treasure or weapons.

The pirate ship could be smaller this time, the size of the schooner.

The soldier's ship could be the size of the usual pirate ships for once, bigger would be better

I can agree to this, I had 3799 as a child as well. This U shapped smuggler's bay could come in sections like they did with the Safari sets where you connected them together.  The main set would be with the hut and hill and have two end pieces to the Island that flow naturally into the water (floor level) so that in the event you did not wish to buy more sets then it would look complete. But if you bought more sets you could pop/ unclick these end section and add them to either side and then attach these ends bits to that section and so on.
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Offline Basie10

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #2 on: April 09, 2018, 05:55:15 »
Good question.  I'd like an admiral that resembles Lord Nelson. 

Perhaps characters specifically tasked with firing the cannons.  And, what about a ship's surgeon.

Offline Hadoque

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #3 on: April 10, 2018, 12:07:56 »
Keeping in mind what the present pirates´ major ship 6678 looks like - a 2-master without a cabin, windows replaced by stickers, stick-on fake cannon-mouths and fake gunports, a resized cargohold now just big enough to put 1 trunk and a rat, and not to forget the overall layout of the ship which is a moronic combination of a 16th-century galleon´s bow with the stern of a late 18th-century frigate and the backwards-tilted masts of a 19th-century schooner, my hopes are not great for the next ship. ::)

So here my (very) pessimistic prediction;

The next "big" pirates´ ship will be further downsized and have just 1 big mast with a square sail and a little auxiliary mast near the stern with a latin sail. The ship will also be shorter then the two-masters there have been sofar, so alltogether a lot less plastic but at a sales-price 10 to 15 % more expensive.
And it will come with 2 dwarf-pirates and a monkey as crew.
Total accessories included will be 1 hat, 1 sword, 1 pistol and 1 mini-treasure-case.
As cannons, just 2 of the latest small swivel-cannons mounted on the deck´s railing, to save use of gun-carriages. Any (fake) cannons or gunports in/on the hull will now also be represented by printed stickers.  :no:

In the utopic case Geobra´s entire sales & development departments would get fired and replaced by people with functioning braincells, we might get the trimaster frigate (f.e. a prolonged 3940 or 5135 with a 3rd mast) for our naval forces we´ve always dreamed off.  :loco:

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Offline Klickteryx

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #4 on: April 10, 2018, 13:32:18 »
Whatever else they do with the next ship, I'd like to see a crew quarters with at least two hammocks below deck.

The current thinking seems to be a platform for firing missiles, the ship elements have become secondary. Maybe that's due to a younger target audience or a dumbed down one and geobra want to compete with pew pew computer games instead of role playing like they used to. Hopefully that's not the direction they continue in, even young children can deal with character driven stories. They should focus on what's needed to tell stories instead of endless fighting scenarios.

The take along tavern (stronghold ::)) is nice but an actual building, even system why would be good so long as it has a larger footprint than the Super 4 pirate fort thing.
Modular terrain. At the least, a two sided low wall across one corner of the base which when joined by three other bases forms a complete walled space. The wall could be part of the base or separate. If part of the base then it would have a gap which could take a matching wall piece or a gate. If not a wall then a wooden fence like a stockade. It could be a wooden fort or an animal pen or even a prison.

A magistrate. Has an office with papers, ink pots, quills. Comes with a serving girl and another male civilian.

A gallows, this is a must for a pirate theme. It's what awaits the pirates when they're caught. Or at least they have to be rescued from it. Noose would be rubber so it can slip over a klicky's head. Gallows would be a wooden platform with a trapdoor and of course the noose.

For the figures themselves, I'd like to see the pegleg and hookarm replaced with removable items. So the hook or peg can be replaced with something else like a knife or a club or a metal hand like the guy from HTTYD (Dragons). In the case of a hand it should be more detailed to look different from the regular pincer hands they have.

A cargo hold that actually fits cargo as in the space is designed to fit x number of crates side by side without them slipping and preferably two crates high. Canons, if they do a ship with separate canons, that click to the deck so that when the ship is moved they don't slide all over the place. The older ones had depressions in the deck but they still slid out if the ship was tipped too much. A crane that actually reaches the dock. It was always a great feature but limited because it was too short to actually get anything from the dock.
A container like a large crate or barrel that a klicky can fit into to be smuggled onto a ship or hide in.
A secret compartment on a ship like some deck boards that can be removed to reveal illegal goods being smuggled.

A story or something that teaches kids about the different parts of a sailing ship so they understand what the crows nest is for, what the anchor does, how a smaller boat on the ship is useful.

Offline hauden_lukas

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #5 on: April 12, 2018, 01:30:25 »
Keeping in mind what the present pirates´ major ship 6678 looks like - a 2-master without a cabin, windows replaced by stickers, stick-on fake cannon-mouths and fake gunports, a resized cargohold now just big enough to put 1 trunk and a rat, and not to forget the overall layout of the ship which is a moronic combination of a 16th-century galleon´s bow with the stern of a late 18th-century frigate and the backwards-tilted masts of a 19th-century schooner, my hopes are not great for the next ship. ::)

So here my (very) pessimistic prediction;

The next "big" pirates´ ship will be further downsized and have just 1 big mast with a square sail and a little auxiliary mast near the stern with a latin sail. The ship will also be shorter then the two-masters there have been sofar, so alltogether a lot less plastic but at a sales-price 10 to 15 % more expensive.
And it will come with 2 dwarf-pirates and a monkey as crew.
Total accessories included will be 1 hat, 1 sword, 1 pistol and 1 mini-treasure-case.
As cannons, just 2 of the latest small swivel-cannons mounted on the deck´s railing, to save use of gun-carriages. Any (fake) cannons or gunports in/on the hull will now also be represented by printed stickers.  :no:

In the utopic case Geobra´s entire sales & development departments would get fired and replaced by people with functioning braincells, we might get the trimaster frigate (f.e. a prolonged 3940 or 5135 with a 3rd mast) for our naval forces we´ve always dreamed off.  :loco:

Hadoque = genius

Offline Janilew

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #6 on: November 21, 2019, 08:42:56 »
I know this is old, but I've considered designing a ship with the things you all have mentioned. But how would this come to play in reality? Would the sleeping quarters be a top view, or side? If the latter, I imagine the ship would have to open up then, robbing it of it's ability to float. I personally wouldn't care as I love the extra rooms on the ships, but if we're speaking with actual designs in mind, then we must be mindful of these things.

Offline hauden_lukas

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #7 on: November 24, 2019, 07:02:40 »
I know this is old, but I've considered designing a ship with the things you all have mentioned. But how would this come to play in reality? Would the sleeping quarters be a top view, or side? If the latter, I imagine the ship would have to open up then, robbing it of it's ability to float. I personally wouldn't care as I love the extra rooms on the ships, but if we're speaking with actual designs in mind, then we must be mindful of these things.

I don't get it why many people really want to put the ships in real water. If you design a ship like that just "pretend" it is in water (like in dioramas where ships are placed on tables with blue table cloth or more sophisticated versions thereof).
Personally, I am more interested in a ship that looks realistic from the outside. Unless you have a good solution to remove one side of the ship to see the inside... (might be cool for taking pictures inside to tell a story. In this case, the entire inside should be visible - ideally by just removing the outer shell/planks on one side).

Will you show your ship here?



Offline Janilew

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #8 on: November 24, 2019, 13:39:40 »
I don't get it why many people really want to put the ships in real water. If you design a ship like that just "pretend" it is in water (like in dioramas where ships are placed on tables with blue table cloth or more sophisticated versions thereof).
Personally, I am more interested in a ship that looks realistic from the outside. Unless you have a good solution to remove one side of the ship to see the inside... (might be cool for taking pictures inside to tell a story. In this case, the entire inside should be visible - ideally by just removing the outer shell/planks on one side).

Will you show your ship here?



First of all I agree with pretending that it's in water. I don't care all that much for it myself. I was just thinking in terms of toy design, but I'd gladly sacrifice it myself.

Second, alas I'm no crafter...yet. I chiefly deal in 2D design. I'm working on a solution to incorporate the ideas many had on here (myself included) on what we want in a ship. I've always wanted, even as a child to have a proper captain's cabin on a ship, so I did that. I also wanted lower decks, sleeping quarters, and a galley. Storage and treasury too.

At the moment I have a VERY rough design of what we/I want, and the possibility of it to keep its ability to float.

In my design I mimicked a basic Spanish galleon (a personal favorite of mine) and good ol' 5135 (which I actually own). Here are my notes:
1: I rose the forecastle to make room for the galley with short stairs leading down to it. The oven itself is molded in place and allows for the styrofoam to enter it for maximum floatation.

2: I merged the sleeping quarters for the crew with the lower gun deck for the sake of saving storage. Hammocks can be hung from the ceiling. I'm not sure if they should be fabric or plastic. In my notes I made the walls dividing them, the storage, and the treasury not to touch the ends. That way there's space for the crew to "walk" between areas.

3. The treasury and the storage are both in the back almost below the captain's cabin. (Treasury isn't shown in these pics. They can hold barrels, crates, etc. I've even contemplated a design of a larger barrel where stow-a-ways can hide. ;)

4. I was torn on how to access the lower deck. I incorporated grates in the top deck so I wouldn't have to use stairs. Maybe a ladder can be utilized. I also considered to have a piece come out the side entirely, but I settled for a hinged "door".

5. I noticed, unfortunately, that the mainmast's rigging will interfere with a klicky's sight at the cannon!  :wall: Now, an earlier design had a longer ship without this problem, but it had MASSIVE masts and sails as opposed to my current, more realistic and compact one, which is why I scrapped it. So I guess either I: make the ship longer, or delete the second cannon to make some more room. siiiiiiiigh. Well since this is wish-fulfillment fantasy anyway, might as well elongate it.

6. My favorite part, the captain's cabin! I imagined a formal meeting taking place there so it had to be fancy! I took a page from 5135 and had the bed molded to the foundation with the canopy separate. The table's much the same with the top being detachable. Now the shelves, I thought could be molded with slots to keep items in place (like with the units in 9487); but upon further thought, it might be best to make them detachable too. Just in case they're in the way. It also might be less of a hassle to mold. Possibly a short chandelier can be hung inside too by a hook! ^v^

I swear I can draw much better than this, I was just working out the kinks.

(I learned the hard way that it's best to host from a site, rather than directly upload pics. |:( )

Here are the links:

Offline PMatt

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Re: What could they do with the next batch of pirates?
« Reply #9 on: November 26, 2019, 17:15:30 »
I've got to say, your sketches sell the idea really well. Now, where do we sign up for this to be produced?  ;)

I think it is particularly commendable you didn't go overboard with the dimensions. Though larger than any ship Playmobil ever produced, it is still a rather compact design and I could see it hitting the shelves, should the toys market take a different direction in the upcoming years. I for one would love building up a crew for such a ship!