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Do you need a complete list of all Playmobil sets?

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This is very helpful...

Thank you

het GrahamB,
sometimes when a plan has 2 numbers e.g.7619/7683, we should just save it twice under the second number as well, right?
and is it possible that sometimes removes a plan for some reasons? e.g. I can't find 3038/3050/3057  :P

WOW, thanks Graham, that´s amazing!  :love:

Thanks for your comments!

Cheng, the column showing PDFs of building plans shows all the numbers I got a result for at (I think the other playmobil sites, .de, .com, etc. show the same results). 7683 doesn't give a result, although it is covered by the 7619 instructions. For now, I will enter "see 7619" on the row for 7683, to indicate that you have to look up 7619 to get the 7683 instructions (if you follow me...) I had already done this for a couple of other sets and doing this for all sets which share instructions would certainly be possible, but I don't have a list of such sets, so that would need some more research....

You are correct - 3038, 3050 and 3057 don't have PDFs available. Maybe I put these in by mistake, or maybe the PDFs have been removed from the website, I don't know. I will take them off the list. My total of PDFs now comes to 2253, while Heather's comes to 2246, so there are probably another 7 sets I have entered in error or whose PDFs have been removed. Let me know if you find them!


--- Quote from: GrahamB on June 28, 2016, 17:18:51 --- some more research....

--- End quote ---

So, I checked the 209 sets listed as 'USA' in the market column (quite a few US sets were equivalent to sets issued elsewhere with a different number) on PlaymoDB and found about 40 with equivalents, but nearly all of these had 'working' pdf numbers for both sets (if you enter either number at, you get the instructions for both sets). I found only 4 where this didn't work, so I entered 'see ----').

If anyone finds any more errors or has any more suggestions, let me know!

Updated spreadsheet available here, All sets V2


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