General > Trains!
Making Track Work Smoothly
I have had a large oval of previously owned electric track set up in my living room since December but don't end up using it much because I have problems with trains stalling out.
One thing I have tried is polishing the track surface, but perhaps not enough? I am thinking the big problem is the connectors between the track sections. I have bought a pack of new connectors (which cost an awful lot for such small pieces of metal). Is there something else I should try doing? Should I crimp with pliers? Clean the connectors with vinegar or something? I know you can solder wire between each section but this is a temporary set up rather than a permanent one.
Thanks in advance for any ideas. :yup:
--- Quote from: Tiermann on February 17, 2006, 00:27:30 ---I have had a large oval of previously owned electric track set up in my living room since December but don't end up using it much because I have problems with trains stalling out.
--- End quote ---
Hello, Tim ...
If you are using LGB/Playmobil brass track, you have the finest track ever made. If you are using another brand, you might want to use it to only display your "stationary" trains on a shelf ... ;)
However, if you ARE using LGB/Playmobil track, it should last forever! And, you should not have had a problem with the fish plates (track joiners) unless the track was brutally abused.
Assuming that you have LGB/Playmobil track ... The brass oxidises when not in use. There are two things that you need to do. First, dig deep into your piggy bank (where you keep all your money to buy Playmobil). And, second go to Watts Train Shop and buy yourself an LGB 50023 Maintenance Set!
Get all your LGB maintenance essentials at once! Set includes a track cleaning block, Phillips screwdriver, hex drivers and smoke/cleaning fluid.
Later, when you have a larger railroad, you might want to get a track cleaning accessory that mounts underneath a freight car. All you have to do is push the car (in front of your engine) around your railroad a couple of times and your trains will run as smooth as silk. (This is especially great for tunnels and other difficult, or impossible, places to reach.)
Tim, please let me know how this works for you.
All the best,
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