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News / Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
« Last post by Klickteryx on Today at 04:09:36 »
The sky rails looks a lot more interesting with the video. Is this really playmobil or another toy which playmobil figures can be attached to?
News / Re: Playmobil in the News
« Last post by JLMatterer on Today at 02:37:14 »

Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on Today at 02:19:48 »
The chicken doesn't fit in the pan

The chicken is bigger than a regular-size clicky :lens:
News / Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
« Last post by Tiermann on Today at 01:33:27 »
A really good YouTube video of the ToyFair booth with up close imaging of the new sets for the second half of the year. This was posted at AmClicks, video by Familie Hund
Welcome! / Re: NovaBombardment from Canada!
« Last post by klickyklack on Today at 01:15:45 »
A late hello & welcome, as a cat & 123 lover, I'm loving your content!  :lol:
Collector's Corner / Re: NovaBombardment's Latest Purchases.
« Last post by klickyklack on Today at 01:10:35 »
i've enjoyed looking through your thread, I started collecting some of the 123 / Junior sets in more recent years & the fairy sets are one of the main types I love & collect.  I haven't unboxed 70400 yet & now i really want to!  :lol:

I look forward to seeing more of your collection!
Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by Macruran on February 17, 2025, 23:47:08 »
The chicken doesn't fit in the pan
Photography & Graphics / Re: JLMatterer Photo Gallery
« Last post by JLMatterer on February 17, 2025, 23:33:04 »
PLYPLAYM210 (Plastoy) The Cook

Trains! / Re: Transformer advice
« Last post by Junker Jörg on February 17, 2025, 18:28:46 »
1. /1st Trafo
Richtig, Playobiltrafos gehen bloß bis 16V - aber das heißt nicht, daß die Motoren nicht mehr abkönnten. Ich habe Loks regelmäßig an LGB-Trafos betrieben. Digital bekommen sie sogar bis zu 21V. Und bei mir ist noch nie etwas kaputtgegangen. Allerdings ist für die Zugkraft auch die Stromstärke von Bedeutung. Die 0,3 - 0,5A bei den kleinen Playmobiltrafos sind nicht so richtig viel.
ABER: der LGB 50110 ist kein Fahrtrafo, sondern nur für die Versorgung von Lampen und Weichen gedacht!

Correct, playmobil trafos provide but 16V, nontheless they usually don't break down when running under 18 V. I've even let trains run digitally at 21V without any complications. Besides it's not just V that matters, but A as well. And 0.3 - 0.5A as provided by small playmobils transfomers isn't that much.
Though BEWARE: LGB 50110 is not for running trains. It's just a power supply for lights and points!

2./2nd Zugkraft / traction
Bedenke, daß bei der Steaming Mary neben den Hängern auch noch die Lok geschoben werden muß! Du kannst mit zusätzlichen Gewichten im Tender die Zugkraft steigern, doch irgendwann dürften sich die Kunststoffzahnräder des Getriebes verabschieden. Das habe ich zwar noch nicht erlebt, doch ausschließen kann ich's ned.

Bear in mind your Steaming Mary is an unlocomoting locomotive ;-). There're not just trucks and coaches to be moved but the engine itself as well. Additional weight in the tender will improve traction. But as gears are made of plastic they might break some day. Though I must admit: I've never seen baggy gears in a playmobil gearbox.

3. / 3rd Zwei Motoren / a second motor
Ich habe von Versuchen, die Lok selbst zu motorisieren, gelesen. Die gingen schief. Aber das hier wäre eine Option...
Steam Ross mit Zusatztender - Youtube KLICK
Watch the vid to see a possibility to add a second motor. Doing so by customizing the loco has never been successfull up to now - as far as I know at least.

News / Re: New 2025 (Jul-Dec)
« Last post by Oliver on February 17, 2025, 14:18:32 »
Is there any news on new releases exclusive for the website? These days pretty much anything worthwhile seems to be the reissued stuff they have up there instead of what ends up in stores.

I think they normally update the 'Playmobil Plus' in May/June time. It's hard to predict what they'll come out with - from memory there was a big expansion in 2021 of the 'collector' ranges, but quieter since then. There's a lot of smaller sets I'd like them to re-issue, for either Victorian or Knights theme.

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