Thank you for such a warm welcome. I have been shopping on and buying more plamobil.
2 panorama express loco's and a wagon to go with them, 60 bits of track. I got a really good price. Just over a 100 Euros. Need to buy more though ;-) There is so much I want to buy

. My wife says to me when I am on the pc "you are looking at Playmobil" She is right. I have spent more time on fleabay this week than I have in the last 2 years. I have noticed that some of the prices are ridiculously high, but there are some real bargains if you look. I have a really busy week coming up, even more so after last night as I hit a dear with the car on my way back from a friends, and need to get the car fixed (not to bad, headlight and grill) so I wish you all a Merry Christmas, and a happy New year.