Author Topic: Greetings to you all from Sweden!  (Read 2471 times)

Offline playmovictorian

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Re: Greetings to you all from Sweden!
« Reply #10 on: November 03, 2021, 02:47:50 »
A very warm welcome to you from Marlow on Thames ( near London )

I smiled when I read your story about buying the Playmobil Pirate Ship with your pocket money when you were a kid as I did exactly the same. In fact, I loved it so much that I first built a polystyrene and carboard version of it and one day at last was able to enter a toy shop in St Malo to purchase the real thing  :love: I remember walking back home so incredibly proud with my treasure  :captain:

Have fun  :)

La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.