Author Topic: Hello from USA's Desert  (Read 3693 times)

Offline IJL

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Re: Hello from USA's Desert
« Reply #10 on: July 04, 2021, 19:54:04 »
Welcome from elsewhere in the USA on July 4th!

Offline Tiermann

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Re: Hello from USA's Desert
« Reply #11 on: July 05, 2021, 21:16:32 »
I'm going to guess 3666!

Yep, the classic large castle set.

The Mars Mission set is very similar, and is a close second but doesn't quite reach the efficiency of the original to me.

Offline Joshua D

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Re: Hello from USA's Desert
« Reply #12 on: July 06, 2021, 06:47:49 »
Hello from California!! I had playmospace for a while, also had some of the short lived Alien sets. Eventually sold them in favor of more historical themes. Anyway, welcome!!  ;D

Offline Adam16bit

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Re: Hello from USA's Desert
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2021, 00:47:03 »
Yep, the classic large castle set.

The Mars Mission set is very similar, and is a close second but doesn't quite reach the efficiency of the original to me.

I just (finally) opened my Mars Mission set and I love a lot about it - but it didn't make me stop wanting the old space station.  There's a lot of neat stuff going on here and I may pick up a module to plug in or two, and I love the lights and electronics.  But it's very tight in there.  But I appreciate that they're putting soda cup holders and TVs in bed.  It's almost like they understand me! Minus the exercise equipment in the command center.

I remember seeing 3666 as a kid and being impressed by it.  I've been sitting on a 5783 Eagle Castle for a long time (clearance, $15) that I need to assemble - never did come up with a good place to put some of the big sets.   When Target used to stock more (and certain clearance outlets also got some) I bought pretty much anything that met a certain price threshold because when you're looking at a big box for about ten bucks... why wouldn't you?   (Just this weekend I found a $3 sack of orangutans and a $6 70071 Robotitron with Glider. Admittedly not the greatest clearance finds of all time, but it's been a long time since I've even been out looking.)
--Adam and elsewhere

Offline Hadoque

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Re: Hello from USA's Desert
« Reply #14 on: July 11, 2021, 18:19:15 »
Welcome from (Little) Belgium  :)

Resistance is futile, you will be boarded!

Offline playmovictorian

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Re: Hello from USA's Desert
« Reply #15 on: November 03, 2021, 02:50:36 »
A very warm and belated welcome to you from Marlow on Thames ( near London ) dear Adam  :wave:
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.