Author Topic: What is the best way to secure pictures online please  (Read 5569 times)

Offline playmovictorian

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What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« on: October 03, 2019, 08:25:18 »
Good morning dear Friends  :wave:

I hope that you are all well.

After experiencing the collapse of another hosting pictures website in 2015, TinyPics also went down in September with all the wonderful pictures I posted and shared in the past few years  :'(

I am happy that these pictures were enjoyed by many while they were available but I would like now to secure my new online pictures since I believe that what already happened twice will happen again.

I will welcome your suggestions  :)

Thank you very much in advance  :thanks:

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #1 on: October 03, 2019, 09:22:38 »
Good morning Karim!

After a failed attempt using Google Photos, I've been uploading my pictures on imgur with no significant issues so far. If you want to register an account you have to confirm your phone number though, so I opted to login using my Google account.

You can automatically resize images while uploading them too; still, I've found it's actually better to upload them at full res and resize them while posting in the forum, so fellow members can click on the pictures to enlarge them.

I'm afraid I can't offer any alternative since that is the only platform I have any degree of experience with; I hope it will suit your needs.

Offline tahra

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #2 on: October 03, 2019, 10:31:51 »
The rare times I don't put the pics on my own site, I use

Like all free serviwes, I suppose you get what you pay for, and they can change the rules as they please.

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #3 on: October 03, 2019, 10:34:04 »
The answer may be to host your own website and store them there.
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Offline playmovictorian

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #4 on: October 07, 2019, 13:48:31 »
Thank you so much for your excellent advice  :thanks:
La, tout n'est qu'ordre et beaute, luxe, calme et volupte. L'Invitation au Voyage. Charles Baudelaire.1857.

Offline Hadoque

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #5 on: October 07, 2019, 22:52:53 »
...If you want to register an account you have to confirm your phone number though
...login using my Google account...

2 reasons I´ve decided not to use Imgur.

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Offline tahra

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #6 on: October 08, 2019, 07:31:56 »
2 reasons I´ve decided not to use Imgur.

I didn't use the phone or google account.. But I haven't used it in quite some time..

Offline Hadoque

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #7 on: October 09, 2019, 10:23:10 »
I didn't use the phone or google account.. But I haven't used it in quite some time..

Nowadays (almost) every site/platform asks for your phone-number or Google-/FB-account when registering. And sometimes your birthday as well. "For security reasons" and "personalized advertising", but mostly so they can track everything what you do online, what kind of person you are, what your income is and how much you spend on what, and where you do what in the real world as well (through your tracksmartphone). And then they also sell that info, or they get hacked one day or another. Long live 1984.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2019, 10:31:02 by Hadoque »

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Offline tahra

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #8 on: October 09, 2019, 10:54:14 »
Nowadays (almost) every site/platform asks for your phone-number or Google-/FB-account when registering. And sometimes your birthday as well. "For security reasons" and "personalized advertising", but mostly so they can track everything what you do online, what kind of person you are, what your income is and how much you spend on what, and where you do what in the real world as well (through your tracksmartphone). And then they also sell that info, or they get hacked one day or another. Long live 1984.

Of course. I don't use THAT site to sign in on anything. I have a "spam stuff" email to use for those... And unless I really really want/need it, no phone number. Or a fake. Same to bday. And name.  And address (never a real address, unless I am buying things that'll be shipped - duh!). And whatever.

Offline Janilew

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Re: What is the best way to secure pictures online please
« Reply #9 on: November 24, 2019, 13:22:20 »
The answer may be to host your own website and store them there.

Thank you for reminding me that I actually have my own site. I deleted my imgur account IMMEDIATELY.