General > Report & Review

Playmobil 71604 50th Anniversary Knight

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What's the set number?


--- Quote from: Macruran on March 31, 2024, 08:01:39 ---What's the set number?

--- End quote ---

I believe they're referring to The Village People set  :lol: :lol:


The construction worker in the Village People set has a gold helmet. It really wouldnt be a stretch for them to do a gold set of the original klickies. There was that gold street performer recently too.

Their chrome is good and an original set in chrome could then be repurposed as museum knights or just do a complete early era chrome knight.

That gold street performer is a great set, they could probably do with a [something's] Got Talent type set with a panel of judges and Xs that light up and make a noise. Of course they could also do a bell for the tower but no one would buy that obviously so grumble grumble grumble...


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