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F.A.Q. : General Information for Members
If you have a complaint, whether it is about PlaymoFriends or a member, please do not hesitate to contact a Moderator or the Administrator. These people are here to help and will do what they can to address your concern.
If you have a disagreement with another member, please try to work things out via personal message rather than on the public forums. If that doesn’t work or does not feel comfortable to you, contact a moderator.
If you have an issue with one of the Moderators or the Administrator, please use our personal messaging system or e-mail to contact them privately - or contact another Moderator if you do not feel comfortable dealing directly. Personal disagreements between users may not be posted publicly (nor through avatar or signature use) and will be deleted without notice. Do not start a topic or make public posts in any area of the forum for the purpose of expressing displeasure with the actions of a Moderator or the Administrator.
How to Contact a Moderator:
Each post has a link on the lower right that says "Report to moderator". When you click this link, you will get a box that provides room for your comment and a "Submit" button. Type in your concern (about that post or about the member who wrote the post) and click "Submit". Your message will be forwarded immediately to the Moderators of that board, and they will get back to you as promptly as possible. Do not respond publicly to the member you believe is violating forum guidelines - one of the staff will do what is required upon contact.
Alternatively, each Moderator and the site Administrator are identified as such on their Profiles and in the [Members List] under the "Position" column. (This is also linked at the bottom of the forum's index page.) Please feel free to contact any of these people via PM when needed.
These titles are given to you, along with "klicky heads" as your post count increases.* From the time you join until your 30th PlaymoFriends post, you are a "Playmo Pal". As your post count grows, your title will change and you will begin to accumulate more klickies as a result of reaching each level.
0-29 Playmo Pal 30-99 Playmo Enthusiast 100-249 Playmo Fanatic 250-499 Playmo Lover 500-999 Playmo Addict 1000-9999 Playmo Master 10000+ Playmo Guru
The highest level that can be reached is "Playmo Guru" at 10,000 posts and 6 klicky heads. At this point, you will turn a heavenly shade of purple (in the Users Online list)! ;D As "Gurus", you may also find you need financial help, but you will be smiling all the time because you have gone beyond mere addiction and have entered a totally enlightened state of lifetime devotion to klickies! Congratulations!
Please note that the post-count based titles are more for fun than anything else, as we do not place more value on the contributions of a higher poster than those of a relative newcomer to our forum.
As a regular member, you do not have the option of changing your post-related title, but anyone has the ability to add a Custom Title which will appear directly under their name and/or a short piece of Personal Text which will appear below the avatar picture on their Profile. (Look for these fields on your "Forum Profile Information" page).
*Posts made in the PFZ (Playmo-Free Zone) do not count towards your total number of posts.
When looking at other member's Profiles, you may notice that some people have different titles beneath their usernames and different coloured status icons. These users (along with the "Playmo Groupies") also have their names displayed in a colour other than black when listed on the forum index page. This is designed to act as an easy recognition tool amongst people when visiting and using the forum.
The titles given to the following membergroups are related to the duties they perform at PlaymoFriends:
The person responsible for the general maintenance of the forum and also for making modifications to the software that runs it. She created PlaymoFriends and has the ability to edit, delete, move or otherwise modify any topic on the forum.
Someone entrusted by the forum's administrator to help regulate postings. They do their best to ensure discussions stay productive and within the guidelines. Our moderators are people who are here to help you feel welcome, to answer your questions and concerns, and to ensure that the site runs smoothly so that all members might enjoy the time they spend here. They have the power to open/close threads, move them to other forums, delete threads, edit posts, but only in those forums to which they have been assigned. The goal of PlaymoFriends Moderators is to serve as a valuable resource to members -- to teach and to learn from their friends here.
You don't have the ability to change it yourself, but the Administrator will happily do this for you if you request it. It is not advisable to change your name frequently as this could lead to confusion amongst other PlaymoFriends members.
If you do decide to change your screen name after you have registered, you should note that your log-in name will remain the same as it was when you joined.
PlaymoFriends is a forum.
Within our forum are several categories such as General and Marketplace. These dictate the nature of the boards located inside them. Each board is also defined by a name such as "News" in order that people know where to look for or post information. Some boards also have child boards - this is not a board designed specifically for younger members; it is simply an off-shoot provided for additional topics which are somehow related to the main board they come under.
Within the boards, you will find index pages containing lists of topics. Clicking on the title of a topic brings you to the first post in that topic. If it has a "New" icon next to it, this indicates a new post has been added to the topic since you last visited. Clicking "New" will take you directly to that post.
Before creating a new topic, take the time to think about which board it would be best suited to as this is helpful to all members when looking for information. You might find that someone has already beaten you to it and created a similar topic. If that is the case, you can easily post a reply to their topic (rather than beginning a new one) as you may well have something further to add on that particular subject. Don't panic if you mistakenly post your topic in the wrong place - the Moderators, Co-Founders and Administrator will be doing regular checks of the boards and will move your topic if they feel it is beneficial to keeping the forum tidy.
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