Author Topic: Dear God help me! Manual needed.  (Read 5230 times)

Offline Janilew

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #20 on: July 11, 2021, 01:36:01 »
The motor is in the tender: these are the current pick-ups (red arrow) —>

The locomotive has NO motor at all.

So I AM right! Thanks for the confirmation.

(Any idea how late it is in The Netherlands???)

3:35 AM my good buddy.

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #21 on: July 11, 2021, 06:14:23 »
The tender also picks up power through the wheels.

With the old Playmobil locos, LGB only provided the tracks and the motor is made by Playmobil and takes a maximum of 16v, so ideally you should try and buy a Playmobil transformer/controller (a single unit which does both jobs).  These often appear on eBay.

LGB transformers and controllers can deliver up to 22 volts, and could burn your  motor out.

You can also use the Playmobil trucks from your battery powered Playmobil train.
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Offline Marco_4124

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #22 on: July 11, 2021, 07:06:57 »
A Fleischmann, Roco transformer wiil also do. I am using a Fleischmann transformer.


But back to my basic advice: visit a local modelltrain shop.

Offline Janilew

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #23 on: July 11, 2021, 12:24:11 »
A Fleischmann, Roco transformer wiil also do. I am using a Fleischmann transformer.


But back to my basic advice: visit a local modelltrain shop.

Thanks for the rec! :)

But back to my basic advice: visit a local modelltrain shop.

Not sure if we have one here. :( But what are your thoughts on just getting an actual Playmobil one. Is it weaker or inferior in any way to alternatives?

Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #24 on: July 13, 2021, 20:33:32 »
1: Yes, please tell me how to handle a transformer and tracks!
Gerne ... Well, then...

(1) Trafo / Transformator / Regeltrafo

Der Trafo transformiert den Strom. Auf der einen Seite kommt eine Spannung von 230V (Steckdose) rein, auf der anderen eine feste Spannung von ca. 20V raus. Damit die Züge unterschiedlich schnell fahren können, braucht's noch den Regler. Der kann die Spannung jetzt von 0-max V regeln. Playmobiltrafos sind immer Reglertrafos => da ist Trafo und Regler in einem. Bei LGB gibt's die Teile auch getrennt.

A trafo transfers voltage from 230V (socket) down to - lets say - 20V. To run a train you got to add a rotary control knob to regulate the voltage. Playmobil only provided combined trafo-controls while LGB offers both a combined control and seperate trafo + control units.

Ein Regeltrafo hat mindestens zwei Ausgänge (für den Fahrstrom zu den Gleisen), oft nochmal zwei Ausgänge. Die liefern Strom für Licht, Weichen... Dieser zweite Ausgang ist nicht geregelt und bietet immer die maximale Spannung.

A combined control at least offers one double output (to connect to your track an let trains run); often there is a second double output providing not varying voltage  to operate lights, points...

(2) Zugfahrten / To run a train
Die meisten Modellbahnen fahren mit Gleichstrom (mir ist nur Märklin H0 als Wechselstrombahn bekannt) - so auch Playmobil. Der Strom fließt über die Gleise zur Lok (bzw. hier zum Tender) und über die Stromabnehmer zum Motor. Über den Regler wird die Spannung verändert, je höher die Spannung, desto schneller fährt der Zug. Dreht man den Regler in die Gegenrichtung, wird die Spannung getauscht (die rote und schwarze Linie zum Gleis) und der Zug fährt in die andere Richtung.

Like most model railways Playmobil motors are DC powered. Turning the control knob increases the voltage and thereby the train's speed. Turning the knob to the opposite side swaps +/- (heed red and black link to tracks) and makes the train run the other direction. Metal tracks are needed to connect engine to trafo; skates connect tracks to motor. This is it.

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Offline playmofire

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2021, 09:20:29 »

Not sure if we have one here. :( But what are your thoughts on just getting an actual Playmobil one. Is it weaker or inferior in any way to alternatives?

They are fine sturdy things even though they are old by now.
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Offline Junker Jörg

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Re: Dear God help me! Manual needed.
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2021, 13:15:27 »
But what are your thoughts on just getting an actual Playmobil one. Is it weaker or inferior in any way to alternatives?
Du meinst einen Trafo / It's a transformer you're talking about?

Playmobil hat seine Trafobahn vor zig Jahren eingestellt. Du bekommst nur noch gebraucht Trafos. Die taugen aber in der Regel. Sie liefern max. 14V bei 0,5A, was aber für zwei Loks reicht.

As Playmobil stopped its trafo trains years ago there are but second hand transformers for sale now. But usually they do their jobs quite well providing you with 14V 0.5A - enough to run two trains.

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