General > Trains!


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Ah, we are thinking along similar lines, Stefan, but you are ahead of me.  Your idea is looking good.

(I'd only looked at this topic a few days ago and wondered when there'd be more on it.)

Junker Jörg:
Sounds promising! Looking forward to seeing your ideas being put into action  :).


Junker Jörg:
Vermutlich macht's hier gar keinen Unterschied, aber bei den kleinen Spuren sagt man, Kork unterm Gleis nimmt die künstlichen Fahrgeräusche. Nachdem hier eh schon ewig so eine Korkmattenrolle rumsteht und eigentlich weg soll, wird das Gleisbett halt aufgekorkt

A layer of cork is said to render trains run more smoothely. I don't know if that's true for Faller-gauge trains too but as that stuff's been poodling around in my cellar for ages now, time to give it a proper work to do!

Und damit die Gleise später ned ganz so künstlich schwarz in schwarz aussehen, werden zumindest die Schwellen gebräunt (mangels Sonne nehm ich Sprühlack  :grinsen ).

A coat of brown paint gives those sleepers a much better look.

Und schon ist die erste Platte gleisfertig.

Tracks're set on the first segment.


Looking great! I like your track plan. Lots of things to do in a small space. An advantage to the Feldbahn setting I would guess.

Coming on nicely, Stefan.

The advantage of the cork is that it reduces the noise of the train running.  The baseboard acts as a loudspeaker in effect, but the cork reduces this effect


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