Getting Started > Welcome!

Hello from an old Plamofriend!

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I went to check, and my last post here was about 6 years ago...

What happened in the meantime? Where did my Playmo love go?

I had a few Playmo projects frustrate/disappoint me, which chipped away at the fun. And then life happens and a couple of new (non-toy related) hobbies happened and my time was spent more and more elsewhere until I wasn't checking in here, popping in toy stores, looking at the catalogue - all the things that had previously been routine.

And then a couple of days ago I happened to walk past a toy store and their regular stock (rather than a set up display) was in a window, and I could see boxes and boxes of Playmo that I just didn't recognize. Plenty were licensed things that I was aware of (Scooby Doo, Astorix) but didn't know there were Playmo versions), and some I'm still not sure if they're licensed or just Playmo-created themes.

So I popped in here and started looking at things. The "recent posts" section at the bottom was full of familiar names, which was nice to see. I came across some posts about the Specials, which was always a weakness of mine, and soon found a link to tahra's site and her brilliant library. So I was able to catch up on some things (will do more digging around I'm sure), and mourn the things I've missed...

I'm not sure whether I'm back in the hobby, but seeing all the playmo talk here certainly rekindled some warm fuzzies from when I was active.

Welcome back, Salamander!  As you've seen, Playmobil has changed a lot, but this is still the same friendly forum.

Enjoy your visit. There has been a lot of new stuff come out in the last couple of years which has changed playmobil considerably. They've even brought back some steck buildings recently though a couple wont be released until later in the year.

One of the bigger changes is that they've scrapped their knights theme in favour of a fantasy theme called Novelmore. There's another fantasy theme called Ayuma and a third fantasy theme called Magic.

Thank you playmofire!

Klickteryx, the Novelmore and Ayuma were two of the things that I saw that I wasn't sure if they were licensed stuff or just new Playmo branding. Thanks for the info.

Great to see you again!
Yes, Ayuma, Novelmore and Wiltopia are in house branding. Licensing has become a big thing though, and must sell ok as they keep expanding it, especially the vehicles.


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