Author Topic: How can I join PlaymoFriends?  (Read 201619 times)

Offline Sylvia

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How can I join PlaymoFriends?
« on: July 03, 2011, 16:39:15 »
Interested in registering at PlaymoFriends? :)

Before we can provide you with an account on the forum, you will be required to answer a few questions about your Playmobil interests.

There is also a membership fee of 7.50 Euros which can be paid via PayPal. This payment is only requested once and is put into a communal fund which helps to pay the annual hosting costs for the forum.

If you are really enthusiastic about Playmobil and willing to go through the above steps, then drop me a line here:

Children under 13 years of age are not permitted to register an account on the forum unless they have a parent (or other adult guardian) already actively posting at PlaymoFriends. For their own protection, this guardian must be able to provide constant supervision of their activity whenever they use the forum.

Please DO NOT use this email address to contact me with any questions that are not related to joining the forum.

I will not advertise any Playmobil items you have for sale, and I do not have time to research how much a particular set is worth or advise you on what you should do with it.
Emails of this type will be ignored.

« Last Edit: February 02, 2022, 11:42:04 by Sylvia »