Agh - that's horrid. Was the culprit flogged and hanged? I hope so.
I did try to find out who actually did it, but there wasn't a trail to follow - especially as I wasn't immediately made aware of the attack. IP information didn't shed any light, nor did any of the logs. I have my suspicions, but that's all they are without solid evidence. I was pretty shocked when it happened and wanted to make sure that it couldn't happen again.
Is it possible to let the first post only be edited? Ideally just on the trade board? Cause whenever we're trying to keep something uptodate, it's in the 1st post...
These sort of posting settings are universal and there is no option for customization between different boards. An expert coder would probably be able to work out some way to get around it. I prefer not to change too much these days as it means more work for me when the forum eventually gets upgraded.
The first post in a topic is probably the most important to be secure. Say someone posts a photo story, all the important stuff is in the first post, or the first several. Wiping out someone's "good job"s and "thank you"s wouldn't be as big of a deal.
That's right and it's exactly what happened in this instance I mentioned. The "hacker" wasn't able to completely delete the topics created by the member, so they removed all the text and replaced the title of the topic with a point (.)
Couldn't even work out what each topic was about in most cases.
Should we split this discussion and move it to the technical board? Sorry for going so far off topic.